The Chosen is worthwhile viewing

While we are surrounded by bad news, there is something brilliant to watch on TV that may lift your spirits, and it’s free: The Chosen.

This series is about a Jewish Rabbi and the followers he chose in Galilee during the First century, plus the women who followed out of devotion, and the villains who oppose him. The Rabbi is Jesus.

In The Chosen, Jonathan Roumie is wonderful as a relatable Jesus with a sense of humor and compassion. His followers – and the villains -- are human beings with real problems and foibles, beautifully acted under the direction of Dallas Jenkins who also created the series.

Jenkins first created “The Shepherd: A Story of the First Christmas.” Executive Producer Derral Eves said recently that he saw that film and wanted to be involved with Jenkins’ work, which he is big time. The Chosen production has been great and is said to be expanding under President of Production Mark Sourian.

Writer Amanda Jenkins, spouse of Dallas, has always been a driving force on The Chosen. The Jenkins’ son, Sam, is an aspiring filmmaker in his own right. He works on the production. Novelist Jerry B. Jenkins is Dallas’s father, and he is supportive.

Viewers are also part of the family. They watch the show free and then pay it forward so that others can watch free, and they buy merch, which is high quality. Now, viewers go to theaters to watch new episodes, also funding the series.

The series has won multiple awards. Could this be because it is not dependent on Hollywood?

Writers Ryan Swanson (also an executive producer), Tyler Thompson, and Dallas Jenkins map out the series and come up with the back story and augmentation for biblical stories. The writing is exceptional.

Three experts -- Rabbi Jason Sobel, Rev. David L. Guffey, CSC, and Dr. Douglas S. Huffman -- lend their knowledge and wisdom to the series, to keep it true to the spirit of the Bible.

If you’ve picked up that I’m a fan, you’re right. My husband Peter and I just attended “ChosenCon” in Dallas. Also, for Season Three, we were extras in the scene based on the feeding of the five thousand miracle (F5K).

Speaking of which, F5K was a stroke of genius: Rather than paying extras and getting them costuming, the producers asked audience members to pay to be extras in the show and to bring their own costumes.  (The producers put out detailed instructions on what those costumes should be down to the sandals.)

The future looks bright. News at ChosenCon was that The Chosen is continuing to spread around the world as it is dubbed for diverse audiences and is distributed internationally. (The Chosen has a goal of translating the series into six hundred languages!) Actors and staff are traveling for special events in many countries. Also, attendees got a first look at the trailer for season four, which is now out for the public.

To watch The Chosen, go to the app store on your phone and get The Chosen app. It will allow you to watch all seasons’ episodes and extra content. You can then cast the show to your devices. (Also, you can watch elsewhere: YouTube, Amazon Prime, “The W” on Sundays.)

C.S. Boddie writes for Meadowlark Press, LLC.

Image: The Chosen

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