Greta Thunberg removed from Israel’s curriculum after pro-Hamas posts

Far-left “climate activist” Greta Thunberg announced she stood in solidarity with the cause of Hamas, calling for a “ceasefire” after the terrorist group had invaded Israel and butchered civilians; in response, Israel announced it will remove her from its school curriculum.

On social media, Thunberg released a series of posts that appeared to show her support for Hamas despite the terrorist organization’s brutality against Israel.

See the original post below:

The signs held by Thunberg and her cohorts included messages like “Free Palestine” and “Climate Justice Now” which is a reference to “decolonization” movements, particularly for the “colonizer” Israel. Not only that though, but the image posted by Thunberg included a pale blue stuffed octopus, which is a disparaging symbol that has been used to denigrate Judaism and Israel, according to the Daily Wire.

Someone should tell Thunberg that Israel was invaded by Hamas, not the other way around, and unlike Hamas, Israel’s Defense Force (IDF) had the decency to warn one million Gaza civilians to flee south before the Holy Land launches a potential ground invasion of Gaza. Israel isn’t the bad guy in this situation.

Given the vile posts shared by Thunberg, Israel’s Education Ministry announced that the far-left activist will be removed from its curriculum going forward. From The Jerusalem Post:

‘Hamas is a terrorist organization responsible for the murder of 1,400 innocent Israelis, including children, women, and the elderly, and it has abducted over 200 people to Gaza,’ the education ministry said. ‘This stance disqualifies her from being an educational and moral role model, and she is no longer eligible to serve as an inspiration and educator for Israeli students.’

Thunberg, as most leftists do, responded to the education ministry’s post by feigning ignorance, saying she had no clue what the pale blue octopus symbolized.

“I was completely unaware…” she said, alleging that the toy was used by “autistic people as a way to communicate feelings.”

Thunberg was previously seen wearing a shirt in favor of another terrorist organization, “Antifa.” After being caught, she claimed she had no idea what the shirt meant or symbolized.

Thunberg responded to her “Stand With Gaza” post by including a different picture with the hashtag “FridaysForFuture” and surprise surprise, more terrorism. The organization is a far-left anti-crude oil group that has also stood behind the Hamas cause, advocating for the destruction of the Holy Land.

Why do leftists have a natural inclination to side with terrorists?

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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