How do Democrats really view blacks?

If blacks need any more proof that, as a group, the white Democrats and leftists who run things see them as inferior, the “Fire Alarm” issue surrounding Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) should leave no doubt.

Briefly, during the recent vote to avoid a government shutdown, the Democrats sought to delay the vote because the resolution did not include Ukraine funding, but they were unable to buy time. Coincidentally (and conveniently), Rep. Bowman pulled a fire alarm, causing a 1-hour delay in the proceedings. It’s worthwhile considering how Rep. Bowman came to do this.

White liberal leftist Democrats, plus blacks who are running their own con, such as Reverend Al, the SPLC, Ibrahim X. Kendi, and the founders of BLM, see the average black citizen as both a fool and a pawn to be used for gaining and maintaining money and power. Deep down, Democrats truly believe that blacks are incapable of being successful—or even leading an average life—without their help. It is endemic to the leftists’ psyche.

Image: Jamaal Bowman pulling the fire alarm. Public domain.

So, what happened this time? Democrats needed to stall the vote and knew that a fire alarm could do the trick. A white Democrat couldn’t do that because she or he would get into serious trouble and even be expelled. Blacks are protected, in large part because Democrats and leftists believe blacks to be inferior, if not outright dumb. Likely, the Democrats promised Bowman that he would could gain publicity and be seen as a hero.

So, what logic did Democrats use to think this would work? Their logic:

  • Blacks are not very bright and can’t think two moves ahead (which is fertile ground for leftists to play them). So, Bowman will be easy to influence.
  • Blacks will automatically be forgiven if they misunderstand (or claim to misunderstand) the words they read, such as “Don’t pull this handle.” That leaves open the “he didn’t understand what he was doing” defense (the ‘dumb guy’ defense).
  • If Bowman gets into trouble, Democrats will play the race card, and he’s home free.
  • If the race card defense fails, call Republicans Nazis, after first calling them ‘extremists.’ That’ll shut them up.

Believing their own race-based view are true about the capabilities of blacks, using Rep. Bowman as the fall guy shows the Democrats’ complete disdain for blacks and continues their blatant use and misuse of one of their key voting blocks. They made a fool out of Bowman, who then unbelievably doubled down on that foolishness by calling conservatives “Nazis,” a comment he quickly scrambled to reverse.

Transference and projection are leftists’ core beliefs and key tools in how they operate. They transfer that guilt to others. Truth is not a left-wing value.

Kinda reminds me of the old Life Cereal ads, with the two young boys uncomfortable trying the new cereal, so they turn to their younger brother and say, “Let Mikie try it, he won’t eat it.” Meet Jamaal “Mikey” Bowman, who didn’t get a delicious cereal treat but, instead, got publicly humiliated. Democrats played him.

Lewis Dovland is a passionate observer of America’s future direction with a focus on exposing the “Big Picture” end goals of the progressive Marxist movement and how we can prevail. Email at

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