If you’re tempted to think the government cares about you...

The first paragraph in this article has three words that explain why our country has so much debt and is in so much trouble.  The words are "It doesn't care!"

The U.S government is one of the World's biggest holders of bitcoin, but unlike other crypto whales, it doesn't care if the digital currency goes up or down in value.

Isn't that great?  The government doesn't care if it loses $5 billion of our money.  Maybe that is one reason we are $33 trillion in debt. 

Does anybody really believe that Biden cared whether the taxpayers have to pay $60 or $100 per barrel to refill the strategic petroleum reserve that he tapped to buy votes?  After all, it was his energy policies that jacked up the cost of gas and diesel, not the Russians or the supply chain disruption.

Does anyone believe that Biden cares whether taxpayers have to pay off $100 billion or one trillion in debt that he dictatorially is forgiving?

The government didn't care when colleges jacked up their costs much faster than inflation and now wants other people to pay off the debts that students ran up.  Is that fair?

The Democrats intentionally lied when they passed the falsely named inflation reduction act that they pretended would not only be paid for, but would reduce the deficit and reduce inflation.  The goal of the act was to buy votes and establish a slush fund for radical green pushers. 

Now the media and other Democrats don't care as the cost is skyrocketing.  All they ever cared about was giving kickbacks to their supporters.  They sure never cared about the rest of us. 

The uncapped incentives of the Inflation Reduction Act mean spending sparked by the historic US climate law could triple initial estimates and push past $1 trillion.

It is similar to what they did with Obamacare.  They pretended it would be paid for and costs would drop.  As costs skyrocketed, no one cared. 

Does anyone believe that the Biden administration and other Democrats care about the massive costs for refusing to enforce immigration laws that Congress passed?  Where is the budget?  Why don't we see which NGOs get money and how much?  The answer is that the media and other Democrats don't care and don't want the public to know. 

How much did the equipment cost that we left behind in Afghanistan, and who got the weapons?  It appears no one in the Biden administration cares, and nobody wants the public to know. 

Why don't Democrats care about how the money is being spent in Ukraine and how much corruption there is?  It appears they don't want the public to see.  I thought they were for transparency. 

The IRS routinely pulls numbers out of a hat to claim how big the tax gap is.  There is no way they know this number.  If they did, they would use existing resources to collect it.

The purpose of making up these numbers is to lobby for more agents — say, 87,000 — and also to pretend they can use the additional collections to pretend things like the Inflation Reduction Act are paid for. 

For tax year 2020, the IRS estimates the gap to be $601 billion. For 2021, it is estimated to be $688 billion, which is “a significant jump” from previous estimates, according to an Oct. 12 news release. The 2021 tax gap is $192 billion more than estimates from 2014-16 and $138 billion more than 2017-19.

This is the first time the IRS is making tax gas projections on an annual basis. Previously, the number was published once every three years. Moving forward, the IRS plans to publish the data yearly.

As the 2020 and 2021 tax gap numbers are estimates, they can be revised up or down at a later time.

“This increase in the tax gap underscores the importance of increased IRS compliance efforts on key areas,” said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel. “With the help of Inflation Reduction Act funding, we are adding focus and resources to areas of compliance concern, including high-income and high-wealth individuals, partnerships, and corporations.”

If the really cared about tax cheats and high-income individuals, they would never have let the statutes expire on Hunter Biden's massive underpayments.  They would also audit every suspicious activity report and every shell company to make sure all amounts were properly reported and all taxes were paid, but they didn't do any of that. 

They would also audit Joe and Jill to make sure all gift taxes were properly reported and paid since they know that Hunter said he paid Joe's bills.  But they didn't do that, either.  It appears the Bidens are special. 

How many other special tax cheats does the IRS look the other way for?

The IRS shouldn't get more agents or money until they do their job.  They should also all be back in the office instead of working from home. 

Summary: Just remember that the government just doesn't care about being good trustees of our money.  These people’s goal is to get politicians re-elected and to always confiscate more money for the government. 

Image via Picryl.

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