In England, only leftist-approved speech is free

The British Isles bestowed blessings and curses on the world. On the one side, Britain was the Western world’s foremost colonialist nation. However, on the other side, unlike Islam, the other foremost colonialist nation, England brought economic prosperity and the idea of liberty to the nations it colonized. In America, at least, chief amongst those ideas was free speech. However, in England itself, free speech is dead. Only those with government-approved ideas may speak aloud there—and one of those ideas seems to be “kill the Jews.”

At the end of the 17th century, when James II fled England following the Glorious Revolution, Parliament created the 1689 Bill of Rights. One stated that “the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament.” By the mid-18th century, Englishmen, including those in the North American colonies, felt their right to speech extended beyond Parliament’s four walls. A hallmark of a free people is the right to speak their minds without government retribution.

So, in 1791, the newly created nation of America, which looked to England for its ideas about individual liberty, enshrined free speech in the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Recently, in America, the left has relentlessly worked to silence speech with which it disagrees. However, it keeps being stymied by that pesky First Amendment.

England, however, has no right to free speech. That’s because when American colonists started speaking out against Parliament, the solons in England declared that the Bill of Rights applied only to the monarch, not the rest of the government.

Since 2000, we’ve seen England clamp down on speech with which it disagrees. This happens with both conservative and leftist governments. That’s because—and this is important—outside of America, they have no notion of individual liberty versus government tyranny. Instead, parties represent different types of government tyranny. In England, no matter which tyranny they represent, all government leaders are university graduates, which means they all share certain values (the same American graduates share).

One value is fealty to the pro-LGBTQ+ agenda. That’s why anyone who dares to offend LGBTQ+ sensibilities will be arrested:

Another value is that abortion is sacred. That’s why anyone who dares offend pro-abortion sensibilities, even by praying silently or standing peacefully, will be arrested:

However, what will not get you arrested in England is loudly calling for Jewish genocide. That is fine:

The reality is that England foolishly invited into her country people whose values are completely antithetical to Enlightenment notions of liberty. They’re afraid of them now because they’ve seen what they do to those who oppose them. And of course, Britain has disarmed her citizens, so they are defenseless, as the people at the rave for peace or in many of the invaded communities were.

Here in America, Biden has also lawlessly opened the border to aliens who hate our values. Thankfully, our Founders gave us the gifts of the First and Second Amendments. They are the only bulwarks we have against tyranny and terrorism. In England, however, the cradle of those rights, citizens face nothing other than an increasingly swift slide into the hell of a socialist/Muslim caliphate.

Image: Twitter screen grab.

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