It's almost like there's a conspiracy against Trump...

The moment that Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the outlines of a conspiracy began.

Obama, Biden, their staff, Democrat lifers in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, the Pentagon, the establishment media, woke billionaires and the Democrat party, foremost among them House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, shaped a plan to wreck his presidency and cheat to defeat him in 2020.

Despite that Trump was on his way to a triumphant presidency because of prescient policies, both domestic and foreign.

Something bigly had to be done to stop him.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Wuhan virus coincidently escaped the lab.  Aware, and against Trump, the CCP permitted thousands of infected passengers to enter the U.S. where it created a pandemic.

Anticipating it and seemingly prepared for it, the Democrat party exploited it to create a seismic, unprecedented distortion in public policies around economy-killing lockdowns, and in voting rules, increasing unverifiable ballots by previously unheard of multiples.

It coordinated with its champions in social, print and network media to censor and suppress damning information about its own candidate and his depraved family.

They were so certain that they could cheat out a victory that they kept their candidate, lifelong liar and incompetent Joe Biden, in his basement as Trump held massive rallies.

Trump went to bed election night well ahead.  By morning he had lost.  See Dinesh D'Souza's documentary, 2,000 Mules.

Myriad legitimate legal appeals were filed.  All were rejected by the courts, either because of cowardice, complicity, or both.

A rally was organized in Washington to protest the election results and members of Congress were preparing to challenge them on January 6.

Pelosi saw an opportunity to subvert the challenge and refused to provide security for the protest.  The FBI infiltrated the protest and arranged to open the doors to the House of Representatives and herd the protesters inside, disrupting the election’s challenge by its members.

As a consequence the challenge never happened.  Biden was certified and Pelosi prevailed over her hated enemy.

Seeing another opportunity, and seeing how well rigging can work, she rigged up a committee of political sycophants whose mission was to deliver to the complicit media a narrative that the protest was an attempt by Trump to overthrow the government.

To bolster the narrative, she and Biden and the DOJ and FBI conspired to politically persecute and destroy the lives of hundreds of loyal, well meaning, decent people who had set foot in the House that day, invited in by the FBI and Capitol Police.  Before and since, other groups have protested in the House.  Not one has suffered the evil, malevolent, machinations of Pelosi, Biden and their bureaucratic henchmen.

The public wasn’t convinced and sensing Democrat lies, distortion and calumny, its support for Trump increased, surprising and alarming the Democrats.

Something more bigly had to be done.  It was time to deny the people their right to choose their president by getting Trump removed from the ballot.

Four lawsuits were filed by four party prostitutes alleging everything from financial fraud to bribery to election interference.  In addition to costing Trump huge expenditures of time, money and energy, the lawsuits have brought ruin to many others who have had the misfortune to be on his side against a corrupt foe with limitless resources, both of money and personnel, with which to wage legal war.

Other Democrat operatives are attempting to use the Constitution to have Trump’s name stricken from the ballot.

And still Trump’s support grows.

What will they think of next?

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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