Joe Biden touted as a ‘key’ figure and a ‘wartime’ leader?

Yesterday, The Hill ran an article labeling Joe Biden as a “wartime leader” and it opened with this:

President Biden is emerging as the key leader in Israel’s war against Hamas, with a grief-stricken Israeli society deeply distrustful of its government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden’s solidarity with the Israeli public has earned him enough political capital to delay Israel’s anticipated ground offensive, even as the country is fully mobilized for war and anxious for revenge.

A “key leader” in Israel’s operations against Hamas? What?!

Ever since Joe Biden took office, he has idiotically said climate change is the greatest existential threat to the U.S. and the world. Not Iran with its “death to America” pledges… not China with its dystopian communism, American farmland grabs, and land acquisitions near military bases… not North Korea with its nuclear bombs under the control of an unstable leader… not the Mexican cartels and their human butchery….

Nope, the greatest threat is a hypothetical and miniscule temperature increase in the next hundred years or so. The Biden administration then pretends they can prevent this from happening if they could just stop Americans from using crude oil and gas-powered vehicles and equipment… which greatly rewards China.

Iran and Russia also love this abject ignorance and arrogance, and appreciate Biden’s generosity as he has greatly increased the demand for their oil, thus driving up their revenue, which they use to wage war against their enemies.

While China, Iran, Russia, and others build their military, we fire healthy people who make the choice to decline participation in experimental pharmaceutical trials.

These enemies of the U.S also know how we left Afghanistan, creating a vacuum for the Taliban to take charge and seize all the military equipment we abandoned.

We repeatedly appease Iran by saying we can’t tell if they had any involvement in the October 7th attack on Israel. They fund and train terrorists, but somehow we have no idea if they were directly involved. Can we all yell B.S. already?

But, according to writers at The Hill, Biden’s speeches have made him a great wartime leader. So Biden essentially funds the terrorists, and somehow has the trust of the Israelis?

A large number of terrorists have been apprehended at the border, but somehow we don’t know their names. How many people on the terrorist watch list have successfully evaded capture and lie in wait? We have no idea, because Biden’s DHS routinely withholds details on “terror suspects” nabbed at the southern border. We do know many Chinese are coming in though, and I am sure it is not for our benefit….

No matter how much Biden and his team have appeased (not blamed) and funded Iran, the regime doesn’t seem to appreciate our help very much.

It doesn’t seem to worry when Biden finger-wagged its leaders with the stern words “Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.” on 60 Minutes. I wonder why those firm words didn’t change the nation’s mission of death to Israel?

And, Iran just warned the U.S. that we are in the crosshairs too, if Israel’s retaliation in Gaza continues. From Reuters yesterday:

Iran’s Foreign Minster [sic] Hossein Amirabdollahian warned at the United Nations on Thursday that if Israel's retaliation against Palestinian militants Hamas in the Gaza Strip doesn't end then the United States will ‘not be spared from this fire.’

It appears to me that Biden and his team are much more similar to Neville Chamberlain than they are to FDR or Winston Churchill. They appear to believe we can negotiate with terrorists and evil leaders, like the tyrants in Iran, instead of the reality that they must be forcefully put in their place. Japan and Germany were obliterated. World War II did not end because of appeasement, and firm but gentle words.

Hitler would not have stopped killing Jews if FDR had simply said “Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.”

From Townhall:

In the 1930s, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain took one look at the Nazis and decided it was best to just give Hitler what he wanted, lest he draw the ire of his fighting forces. ‘Appeasement,’ to Chamberlain, was apparently preferable to standing up against Hitler’s evil aspirations.

The Biden administration is also more focused on Trump supporters than actual terrorists. Maybe that is why they had no idea that Hamas had been training and preparing for the attack, for years, and why they seem to be incapable of blaming Iran. 

None of this self-inflicting damage will be over until the government starts treating our real enemies like enemies, and abandons boogeyman villains.

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