Leftist media outlets are ridding themselves of Islamists

Sometimes, people ask me how I keep going when the news is so depressing. It’s partly because I’m compulsive, but it’s also because you never know when a Black Swan—a completely unanticipated event—will change things. For Israelis, Hamas’s attack on thousands of civilians was the worst kind of Black Swan. However, horror can be cathartic and clarifying. Here in America, it might even lead to cleaning up the news media.

The good news is that Americans have their heads screwed on right by a two-to-one margin. (I wish it were a greater margin, but I’ll take two-to-one.) That’s because, when it comes to what happened, they side with Israel and agree that Hamas needs to be destroyed:

As Israel masses tanks and personnel around the Gaza Strip in response to the Hamas terror attack, Americans have a clear message for Israeli commanders: Go for it.

Some 50 percent believe it is reasonable for the Israeli Defense Forces to fully invade and occupy the territory, according to an exclusive poll for DailyMail.com, compared with 28 percent who said it would be unreasonable.

There is also overwhelming support for air strikes on Hamas targets.

Perhaps Americans remember enough about 9/11 to understand that what happened in Israel can happen here. They know that unless radical Islam is beaten back, it will spread, killing and torturing as it goes.

Picture made using public domain images.

Whatever the reason behind Americans’ enthusiastic support for destroying Hamas, two of the most aggressively anti-Israel media outlets seem to have realized that it’s bad business to bash Israel. Both MSNBC and AP have sidelined openly antisemitic, pro-Hamas reporters and talking heads.

Writing for Semafor, Max Tani has a long essay about MSNBC’s internal conflicts when it comes to covering events in the Middle East, including silencing pro-Palestinian staff:

MSNBC has quietly taken three of its Muslim broadcasters out of the anchor’s chair since Hamas’s attack on Israel last Saturday amid America’s wave of sympathy for Israeli terror victims.

The network did not air a scheduled Thursday night episode of The Mehdi Hasan Show on the streaming platform Peacock. MSNBC also reversed a plan for Ayman Mohyeldin to fill in this week on the network for host Joy Reid’s 7 p.m. show on Thursday and Friday. Mohyeldin, an Egyptian-American journalist and veteran NBC News correspondent covered the conflict from Gaza for two years. In 2021, he aggressively questioned Israeli leaders on strikes on the territory. Two network sources with knowledge of the plans told Semafor that the network also plans to have Alicia Menendez fill in this upcoming weekend for Ali Velshi, a third Muslim-American host who on Sunday interviewed a spokesman for the Palestinian Authority.

The outlet claims these changes are merely a coincidence, but I have my doubts. So does Tani:

The moves come as MSNBC — like the Democratic Party with which it’s often aligned — has swung into intense solidarity with the Jewish state after the murderous Hamas attacks. That shift has come with heated internal and external objections to anything that breaks with that solidarity, and has come with social media criticism of Hasan, Mohyeldin, and Velshi. Hasan has also been vocal on X, formerly known as Twitter, condemning the Hamas attack and calling attention to the plight of civilians in Gaza.

It turns out that siding with baby killers—people whose primary targets are babies—is a bad look, whether you’re a terrorist military organization, a political party, or a media outlet.

And it’s not just MSNBC that’s figured this out. AP, a reliably virulent antisemitic outlet, is also doing housecleaning:

A reporter for the Associated Press based in Gaza has a social media history of blasting Israel as an oppressive, apartheid regime, leading to criticism that he can’t objectively cover the conflict.

An extensive report from HonestReporting, a media watchdog, laid out Issam Adwan’s extensive past of shredding Israel, including calling it an “apartheid” regime, saying it would be a triumph if it was “overthrown,” and comparing the Jewish state to the Nazis. Adwan has been reporting this week for the AP from Gaza after Israel declared war on Hamas following the Palestinian terror group’s brutal attack Saturday.

In the linked article, you can read myriad examples of Adwan’s genocidal hatred for Jews. So, yeah, I doubt he was objective. And here’s the thing: He was never objective, but right up until a week ago, that was fine with AP. Again, deliberately killing babies really helps separate the wheat from the chaff and the irredeemably evil people from everyone else.

There is no doubt that Biden is a disaster for America and, indeed, his weakness is a disaster for the world. Nevertheless, the compounding horrors of his presidency are forcing Americans to face up to things they’ve long ignored.

The Democrat party is no longer a pro-American party. It is, instead, an anti-American, antisemitic, racist, globalist, corporatist entity staffed by evil and/or incompetent people. Meanwhile, the Republican party isn’t much better. The conservatives have the right values but aren’t that useful. And the GOP itself is, as I always say, a Vichy party that ostensibly represents Americans but that has values more closely aligned on most issues (except, maybe, for guns) with the Democrats.

These are ugly realities, but they’re useful, too. When we see the truth, we can address the problems. As long as we were in denial, things were only going to get worse. And right now, MSNBC and AP know that, too.

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