Leftists are getting mugged by reality

For years, conservatives have complained about leftist district attorneys, zero-bail laws, lenient sentencing, meaningless sentencing, police defunding, failure to back the blue, open borders, and other fixtures of the plague of violence now seen in America's blue cities.

The results are ugly, with mass numbers of Americans victims.  What has to come as a surprise to leftists is that they're not exempt from it, either.  They're getting mugged, too, same as other people in blue cities.  And worse.

Last night alone, this news rolled out from Fox News:

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, was the victim of an armed carjacking Monday night in Washington, D.C., Fox News Digital confirmed.

The longtime Democratic congressman was in the Navy Yard neighborhood when the incident took place at about 9:30 p.m., according to U.S. Capitol Police. The agency, along with Metropolitan Police Department, responded to the scene at New Jersey Avenue and K Street Southeast. The entire block is closed off as police investigate.

Police are searching for three suspects, described as Black men wearing all black clothing, in connection with the carjacking, MPD said in an alert. Cuellar's stolen vehicle, a white Honda CHR, has since been recovered.

"As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle," Cuellar's chief of staff Jacob Hochberg said in a statement. "Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement. Thank you to Metro PD and Capitol Police for their swift action and for recovering the Congressman’s vehicle."

It must have been terrifying, having been done at the point of a gun.  And he's not the first leftist congressman who's been such a victim.  As Fox noted:

Monday's incident made Cuellar the second Democrat in Congress to become a victim of crime in the nation's capital this year. In February, Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig was attacked in an elevator at her apartment building before fighting off her attacker.

There also was this blue-state congresswoman, Mary Gay Scanlon, who was carjacked in Philadelphia in December of 2021:

Five teenagers were arrested in Delaware on Wednesday night after they were found inside a stolen car belonging to Representative Mary Gay Scanlon, who was carjacked earlier that day in Philadelphia, the authorities said.

Ms. Scanlon, Democrat of Pennsylvania, was unharmed in the carjacking, during which she was robbed at gunpoint around 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday after leaving a meeting at FDR Park in South Philadelphia, her office said in a statement.

But this is far from the worst that has happened in just the last 24 hours.

There also was him:

And him:

And a few days earlier, her:

All were vocal advocates for "criminal justice reform" and get-out-of-jail cards for hardened criminals.  I take no pleasure in gloating about the irony of these deaths, as these killings were heinous and undeserved, but one wonders whether leftists can see that the crime is coming for them, not just the deplorables and the black people.  We know that this kind of crime coming as a result of Soros district attorneys and other ills has been going on a long time to little effect other than "oh, that happened," along with a lot of statistical gaslighting to claim that each and every victim was some kind of statistical anomaly.

The criminals are starting to pick them off, too, and the daily victims are starting to come in in multiples.  There's no doubt about it: crime is getting worse.  And every one of these robberies and murders could have been prevented.

Yet thus far, we see few calls from the left to change course.  Apparently, there are no conservatives who are liberals who have been mugged yet, even though there are — the left remains steadfast in its belief that criminal justice reform is a social justice, and leftists still can't see the price they are paying for it. 

We know this because we have seen terrible crimes against people who are almost certainly Democrats in Los Angeles, such as the wife of a black entertainment executive who was murdered in her luxurious home by a cat burglar.  What did Los Angeles do yesterday?  Ended all cash bail.  That ought to ensure a lot more such awful incidents.

Yet the tipping point of utter rejection of these ideas has not been reached.  It's always an anomaly, always something Trump did.  It's never bad policy.  So they continue to advocate and enforce bad policy — even as they see their own luminaries victimized, often to the maximum extent, and continue to imagine that living in gated communities and having security guards will keep them safe.  We can already see that it's not.

What is it going to take for the left to wake up and admit that "criminal justice reform," including lenient sentencing, district attorneys who won't enforce laws, zero bail, demonization of police, and other plagues on society, is leading to calamities that the left itself is not exempt from?  Who will have to go next before the left will change course and join the mainstream that abhors crime and wants each and every criminal in the can?

Image: Twitter screen shot.

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