Let the crisis talks ensue

I don’t trust the polls that much, but I find these to be extremely interesting—the data in the table below came from Real Clear Politics, and these are the latest state polls for 23 states:

Data table created by the author using information from Real Clear Politics

Here are my observations:

Trump has 50% or more in eight states; Biden has 50% or more in two states. Biden only polls at 43% in deep blue Illinois. 

Trump has the lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania which he “lost” in 2020. Biden is not leading in any states he lost; in fact, he is getting smoked in several of those states.

Trump is also within one or two percentage points in Minnesota and Nevada which he again, “lost” in 2020.

Judging by these polls, it sure appears that the majority are focused more on the border and the economy than on abortion—despite the endless media chatter claiming the abortion issue is killing support for President Trump.

It is also interesting that an underdog Republican won the governorship in Louisiana without a runoff. Somehow the media didn’t cover that election, but whenever Republicans lose, the media highlights those races as if the country is moving left—we are not

What these polls generally show is that Biden’s policies are extremely unpopular and that Americans remember they were better off under Trump, despite most of the media constantly telling the public how great Biden’s policies and results are. 

Biden continually brags about how much better his policies are than his predecessor’s, but here is the unemployment data, sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is from September three years into Trump’s term compared to September three years into Biden’s term:

Black unemployment: Trump in September 2019 was 5.4%; Biden in September 2023 was 5.7%

Hispanic unemployment: Trump was 4.0%; Biden is 4.6%

Non-high school graduate: Trump was 4.9%; Biden is 5.5%

High School graduate, no college: Trump was 3.5%; Biden is 4.1% 

For those who are statistically challenged, Trump’s results are significantly better for those at the bottom, with minimum wage jobs. Biden likes to lie, claiming that his policies lead from the bottom up, while Trump was more concerned with those at the top. 

Trump’s policies of fewer regulations, lower taxes, and energy independence led to great results including record low poverty, low inflation, energy independence, and rapidly increasing real wages, especially for those at the bottom, including minorities.

Biden’s policies of more regulations, the destruction of affordable energy, higher taxes, and open borders are harming everyone, again, especially those at the bottom.

Democrats claim they want to reduce income inequality yet when Trump’s policies did that, they sought to destroy him every day. They falsely called him a dictator who only cared about the rich. Remember this?

The official poverty rate fell to an all-time record low of 10.5 percent in 2019. Over 4 million people were lifted out of poverty between 2018 and 2019 for a 1.3 percentage point decrease. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years.

Minority groups led the way in poverty alleviation. Compared to the overall poverty rate reduction of 1.3 percentage points, black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8 percentage points, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8 percentage points (see Figure 2). The poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019. Notably, the black poverty rate fell below 20 percent for the first time in history.

The Democrat “anti-poverty” great society programs led to the breakup of the family, dependence on the government, and generational poverty. Trump was the opposite of a dictator. He wanted the power, money, and freedom to reside with the people, exactly as the founding fathers envisioned.

Biden wants a powerful government where they control every aspect of your life, from what you eat to what you think, the type of vehicle you drive, how you heat and cool your house, and even what lawn mower you use—that is what dictators do.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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