Man's inhumanity to man

Many and sharp the numerous ills
Inwoven with our frame;
More pointed still, we make ourselves
Regret, remorse and shame;
And man, whose heaven-erected face
The smiles of love adorn,
Man's inhumanity to man,
Makes countless thousands mourn.  -Robert Burns

Has there been in recent years any more evidence of the gross probability of the inhumanity that human beings are capable of than what Hamas has perpetrated on the civilians of Israel?  

In the decades past, we have seen what Islamic terrorists are capable of; beheading Americans on video, the obvious intent to shock and terrorize the West.  

Remember the publicized scene of Daniel Pearl being beheaded?  Americans learned then how barbaric the Jihadist Muslims could be.  Everyone knew then, or should have, that those horrific crimes could not, should not, implicate all Muslims.  

But the inhumanity of those doing the beheading was shocking to the nominally Judeo-Christian West.  All these years later, that inhumanity has become all too familiar across the world.  The horror stories that millennia of history provide seem too far removed from us today to be relevant.

But they are.  From the pogroms of the 19th century to the inhumane crimes of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao to the tyrannical dictators of today, none of us should be surprised by the level of evil that weighs upon us now.  The terror visited upon Israel this past week is a wake-up call to all civilized peoples:  The violence Hamas perpetrated on Israeli civilians is not beyond belief.  It is a profound reminder of how evil human beings can be if so radicalized, brainwashed, and indoctrinated that they become savages.

There is no explanation for Israel being “caught off guard.” How do the most superior intelligence agencies in the world, Mossad and Shin Bet, miss a plan so calculated that the IDF was nowhere to be found, with the borders unguarded?  

How do allegedly American premier agencies like the CIA and our DIA miss a plan of attack as sophisticated as this was?  They don’t.  They knew.  Someone had to know.  Israeli intel agencies know if a Hamas or PLO activist sneezes, let alone plans a terrorist attack. Someone in Israel knew this was coming and let it happen.  Sad to say, but it must be true.  Why?  The Palestinians, for at least three generations, have been indoctrinated and brainwashed, to believe that Israel and its Jewish population must be driven into the sea because they are the cause of everything bad in their lives.  

What occurred in Israel this past week is so gruesome, it is difficult to absorb.  Hamas militants murdered hundreds of young people at a desert dance party.  The terrorists first destroyed the cars of those at the rave before they began shooting them so that those who made it to the parking lot could not escape.  This was no mere terrorist attack. It was a long-planned, calculated military operation of the most odious, grotesque kind.  The Hamas militants went door to door murdering innocent civilians in their homes.  They attacked kibbutzs and beheaded babies at one of them.  They did these things with relish, with pride.  They posted videos of their murderous crimes on social media.  That is inhumanity writ large. 

How did we get here?  At a place in time where this hideous version of inhumanity is the order of the day?  We let it happen.  We voted for people like Barack Obama and his anti-American, destroy-America agenda.  Donald Trump interrupted their nefarious plan to communize America, so they rigged the 2020 election which Trump had clearly won.  His promise to “drain the swamp” put the fear of God into said swamp.  If there is a person on the planet who does not believe the 2020 election was stolen, they are in serious denial.  The proof, the evidence, is overwhelming. Our judiciary has been compromised, and our judges are afraid to do the right thing regarding election fraud.  The media of course suppresses it, but Biden was illegitimately installed. 

Our Constitution has been invalidated, and the members of Congress on both sides of the aisle are culpable for the breach.  It seems nearly every member of Congress is beholden to someone who controls how they vote.  They are all on the take. Someone has something of leverage on each of them.  Ours is no longer a free nation, no longer a constitutional republic.  The demarcation line was the Obama presidency.  He weaponized the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the DIA, the IRS, etc.  

Obama implemented the plan to “take America down a peg or two.” Boy did he! The Trump administration was a shock to the left’s system, so he had to be destroyed.  The Democrats are still doing their best to ruin the man, his business, his family.  Their use of lawfare to do it is unconscionable.  The Democrats have emboldened the terrorists, funded the terrorists, racialized college students throughout the country, convinced black people they are oppressed, Asians that they are privileged, white people that they are interminably racist oppressors, etc., etc.  These are the people who now support the murderous Hamas terrorists.  Reagan's warning that:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

His words should be ringing loudly in our ears today.

Image: Screen shot from NBC News video, via YouTube

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