No, Israel is not bombing those Gazans escaping from Gaza

Hamas infiltrated Israel and murdered more than a thousand people, wounded twice that number, and kidnapped hundreds of people. Their own paperwork shows that civilians were their intended targets. Israel is vowing (finally) to end Hamas. Because Hamas has deliberately embedded its weapons and headquarters in civilian enclaves (schools, hospitals, etc.), military necessity dictates that Israel destroy those buildings. However, decency and the ordinary rules of war mean that Israel gave Gazans advanced warning to clear those buildings. Naturally, Hamas now claims that, once Gazans hit the road, Israel bombed them. Its imagery is manifestly fake, but that won’t stop the lies from spreading.

Here’s the Palestinian propaganda:

If you watch the video with a clear eye, though, you’ll notice something interesting about the alleged bomb from an alleged Israeli aircraft: There is no bomb. Nothing falls from the sky. Instead, it appears as if the car either went over an IED, exploded spontaneously, or was fired upon by a rocket that came from ground level. In other words, the explosion originated from a source within Gaza itself.

Don’t take my word for it. Someone did a forensic analysis of the video:

In fact, there is no evidence that Israel was operating in this area:

Speaking of things in the sky, satellite photos show something interesting: Hamas pulled tractor-trailers across the roads to prevent Gazan civilians from escaping:

There are two things going on here. The first is Hamas’s usual reliance on fakery. In an information-saturated world, this tactic is very clever because it understands that the world’s media embraces these fakes. Thousands of Israelis died because of faked footage showing the alleged killing of Muhammad al-Dura. The footage inflamed the Muslim world, sparked an intifada, and is still used as a blood libel against the Jews. Because Hamas understands that the Israel haters are remarkably credulous, footage purporting to show invisible bombs dropping from the sky helps Hamas win the propaganda war that invariably sees the West (including American governments) pressure Israel to walk away without destroying Hamas.

The second thing is the fact that Hamas does not see civilians as people who should be kept out of the war as much as possible. For those engaged in jihad, everyone is a combatant. The Jews are combatants who must be killed. And every Muslim, no matter how young, old, or helpless, is viewed as a conscript in the military who must willingly face death as surely as the trained troops who carry guns into battle. They’re all war fodder, with their deaths advancing the cause.

So, if Hamas must blow up a car with its own people or put roadblocks in place to ensure that Israel’s military will inevitably kill Palestinian civilians, so be it. By the way, aside from disliking the fractious Palestinians, this is also why surrounding Arab nations refuse to allow Gazans to seek safety within their borders. Dead civilians are good for the war effort, whether Jewish or Arab.

Image: The bomb that didn’t fall from the sky. X screen grab.

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