So, it’s all about the Benjamins after all!

In 2019, Rep. Ilan Omar let her views on Jews be known when she tweeted, “It’s all about the Benjaminsbaby"  in a sleazy reference to hundred dollar bills.

Surprisingly, but to its credit, the entire Democratic Caucus condemned Omar’s comments. 

But what about those Benjamins?  Have you ever wondered  why so many of America’s youth, in colleges and universities and even public government schools, have a vociferous, cult-like admiration for all things Arab, and in particular, all things Palestinian?  And their dislike for Jews, Israel and secondarily America?

How does this fixation fit with their fixation with social justice, equity, and intersectionality? 

It doesn’t!

How does this youthful zeal for all things Palestinian jive with the manner in which Palestinians treat women? 

It doesn’t.

How does this zeal  for all things Palestinian blandly co-exist with the disdain, disfigurement, and even death of  LGBTQ members when discovered by the Islamists among them?   

It doesn’t?

Omar’s Benjamins comment was the ultimate in projection.  For decades, a waterfall of Benjamins have been flooding American colleges and universities from a multitude of Arab countries. 

These Benjamins come from Qatar, Oman, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. 

This research study published at the Jewish Virtual Library tells us a lot:

According to the Department of Education (DoE), between 1986 and 2021, colleges and universities received nearly $8.5 billion from Arab sources. Although the department has cracked down, and universities have reported previously unreported gifts and contracts, we don’t know how many have not been disclosed. Even more concerning is that after issuing reports disclosing some of the names of giftors, the DoE has agreed not to provide the names or addresses of donors.

The New York Times magazine has reported on this, too:

Saudi Arabia directed about $650 million to American universities from 2012 to 2018 and ranks third on the list of foreign sources of money, one spot behind Britain, according to data contained in the foreign gifts report. The top spot is occupied by Qatar, another oil-rich Persian Gulf state and a bitter rival of Saudi Arabia. 

All the poor struggling colleges and universities and treating hospitals welcome their largesse, among which are: Harvard, Penn (recall their recent Palestine Writes convention) Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, M.D. Anderson and the Mayo Clinic. 

Naturally, the Arabs wanted a significant something for their financial benevolence.  The donees complied. All of a sudden, colleges discovered Middle Eastern Studies. 

Departments were created, “chairs” and scholarships established - all in the furtherance of brainwashing our students to believe: Arab good, Israeli/Jew bad, America evil.

So the mindless, monolithic protesting and marching against Israel and Jews we are now witnessing is the result of a highly successful propaganda campaign that has spanned decades, fuelled with Arab Benjamins.

Sadly, the Arab Benjamins have created a generation of young useless idiots whose moral compasses are as craven as Hitler’s Nazi youth. They are infused with fury and a total  lack of human compassion and empathy. How else can they replay and distribute gleefully on social media, the horrors Hamas heaped on Israelis?  How else can they celebrate and dance with joy at this monstrous earth-shattering madness?  Why do they think America is evil?

One can  hope that every one of these little monsters are doxxed, canceled, and fired if they are already employed. One can hope that not another penny of taxpayer or personal donations go to any institution already rolling in Arab Benjamins and complying with Arab bidding. 

Lynne Lechter is a vice president of the Philadelphia Chapter of ZOA and a practicing attorney in Philadelphia.

Image: Screen shot from Fox News video, via YouTube

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