Ten more statistics to ruin your day

Just in case you're feeling too cheerful, here are ten more statistics to make you consider emigrating to Mars:

1. Paul Bond quotes a poll by the Barna Group: "Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs, 30 Percent of Young Christians Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows." (The Gallup Poll shows considerably less) However, Heather McDonald writes in City Journal that: "The number of trans-identifying students is rising exponentially, leading to majorities in the student bodies of the most progressive schools. This rise is without any historical precedent. It is proof of social contagion, not of a preexisting biological reality."

2. We read in Breitbart that a poll shows that a majority of Americans aged 18-24 say the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians was ‘justified.’ Note, this is not because they don't know what Hamas did:"62 percent of that same group say that the attacks were “genocidal,” …and 51 percent said it was still justified." This doesn't seem fair to me. If you or I go and murder, or decapitate, or burn people alive, we would not get a pass. But Hamas is about 'decolonization', bursting out of an 'open air prison,' paragliding to annihilate people you don’t like -- so that’s justice!

3. A friend of mine moved to Arizona years ago to escape New York taxes. Though that state is overly hot six months of the year, he liked the place. Now, he says, the highway exit ramps are filled with homeless, and statistics back up his observation: from January 2020 to December 2021, the number of homeless in AZ is estimated to have increased by nearly 30 percent. The National Alliance to End Homelessness says that homelessness rates have been climbing nationally by about 6% every year since 2017. Homeless encampments are growing across the country.

4. We can't keep up with the Chinese military. For instance their navy, "surpassed the US Navy in fleet size sometime around 2020 and now has around 340 warships, according to the Pentagon’s 2022 China Military Power Report, released in November. China’s fleet is expected to grow to 400 ships in the next two years, the report says."

5. The U.S. Navy also has a problem finding recruits, but don't worry, the Navy has an idea how to recruit more sailors: Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who goes by the stage name "Harpy Daniels" and identifies as non-binary, was a "Digital Ambassador" in the Navy's pilot program to attract new recruits..

6. A shortage of police officers becoming 'a crisis across the country,' at least partly due to anti-police sentiment. Perhaps we should ask Joshua Kelley to solve that problem too?

7. Large counties in Northern California have only a few law-enforcement employees, but the crime situation has changed. Hmong communities have moved in to grow marijuana, as has Mexican organized crime. Even Russian gangs exist in this once idyllic part of the country.

“There has been an escalation of the amount of violence. We have had numerous shootings related to marijuana fields,” [DHS agent Ray] Greenlee said. “This is a very dangerous situation with huge money at stake.”

8. But rural counties are boring -- just farms and scenery and bike paths and horses. At least we can visit cities like San Francisco, and LA, right? Well -- they are not the cities they used to be: The Hoover Institution explains why crime exploded in SF, and throws in this statistic: “There are now many more drug users in the city than high school students.”

9. CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) has its own list of 16 facts that prove that America is in deep trouble, including: "… there are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. Addiction to these websites has become a major national crisis, and yet very little is being done."

10. If you are depressed from reading the above, at least know that our leaders are spending money to solve problems! For instance, "The city of Denver approved a $4.7 million settlement to more than 300 Black Lives Matter protesters over accusations that local law enforcement used excessive force and violated their First Amendment rights." Remember, this is the same BLM that supported the Hamas slaughter in Israel. Plus, it warms the heart to know that in truly compassionate San Francisco: "The Guaranteed Income for Trans People (GIFT) Program will provide low-income transgender San Franciscans with $1,200 each month, up to 18 months to help address financial insecurity within trans communities." In other words, taxpayer will pay you if you claim that you are of the opposite sex.

Perhaps we should look on the bright side. Why shouldn't people change genders in the way they change clothes? And we can just buy some more homes for the homeless. After all, we've been told that deficits don't matter. And if we have less soldiers and hardware than the Chinese and their allies, maybe that's a good thing -- a prolonged war increases Greenhouse Gas emissions. Cheer up.

The original "Ten statistics to ruin your day" appeared on AT here.

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