The dirty ‘gun control’ secret of the left

Like clockwork, after a mass murder tragedy in at least one “gun-free” massacre zonewith the abject failure of gun control on full display, the gun-grabber ghouls are only too quick to exploit other people’s pain for their political gain, using a crisis to take guns away from their political enemies.

This is the dirty little open secret of the gun grabber left, with virtually all their policy obsessions centered on taking guns away from their political opposition.  None of their fascist fixations even gets close to addressing the severely increasing crisis of crime and terrorism.

Now, we ask: why is that the case?  Why do they care more about confiscating guns from innocent people than criminals and terrorists who pose a severe threat to public safety by several orders of magnitude?

The answer should be obvious: the harmless people of our society who own most of the guns impede the fascist far left’s attainment of full societal control.  Amazingly, a VOX article “explained” this last year while also pushing one of the most ridiculous “good guy with a gun” arguments ever made.  

Those on the fascist far left aren’t against guns.  They love them — in their hands.  They just don’t want them in ours.  That is the true fraud of gun control.  That is the lesson everyone needs to investigate, learn, and remember because it has stunning implications for freedom across the board.

It’s the old saying that speaks volumes more than ever before.  Gun control is never about guns; it’s about control.  This is why the fascist far left has applied its lying with language tactics — in this case, changing terms to “gun safety” or “gun reform” to hide their true intentions.

But let’s talk about a VOX article from last year that had one of the most ridiculous headlines you’ll ever see: “A child can’t be a ‘good guy with a gun.’”  Yes, that’s been archived, so you can see that in all its “glory.”  You can also archive another copy, just to make sure it never disappears down the “memory hole.” 

You get the impression that when they get word of an exploitable tragedy deep in the bowels of the gun-grabber lobby headquarters, it’s like the scene in the original movie Ghostbusters where the Annie Potts character receives a call about a ghost, gets the information, hangs up, yells out “We Got One!,” and hits the alarm button

The gun-grabbing ghouls of the left seem to particularly value child victims because they can trot out ridiculous straw-man arguments, as epitomized by the explanation in VOX

Of course, the children lying dead in Connecticut could not have taken up arms in their own defense. Nor could the kids who died in Texas. ...

Fourth-graders cannot wield weapons safely; there is no such thing as a “good child with a gun.”

What’s even worse beyond that ridiculous lie is that they’re asserting that our society is, or should be, a complete reversal of the basic conservative principles set out in the Declaration of Independence.

There is something profoundly dangerous at work here ... a vision that armed citizens, and not the state, represent the ultimate guarantors of freedom and civil peace. ... The gun rights ideology represents a dark vision of society — essentially the abolition of collective security and a state monopoly on violence in favor of individuals acting as laws unto themselves.

Did we miss the memo that set up some sort of “collective security and a state monopoly on violence” in the states?

Further on, the piece explains:

Part of what it means for a government to exist is to exercise a monopoly over legitimate violence: that is, the power to use law enforcement and the military as ultimate and widely accepted arbiters of social order. A state that doesn’t have this capacity does not actually control the territory it governs; whatever one’s views about the proper role and size of government, the state monopoly on violence is the starting point.

The gun rights ideology starts from the opposite view: that society is founded not on the state controlling violence, but rather on violent individuals controlling the state. On this view, government by its nature always poses a risk of devolving into tyranny. Citizens have an absolute right, if not an obligation, to arm themselves in order to defend against state overreach. The state can never have a monopoly on the legitimate use of force; the second it does, we run the risk of totalitarianism.

If that latter part sounds familiar, it’s because it was set out as settled law in 1776 in the Declaration of Independence:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.

Do you understand the importance of what the fascists of the far left are projecting?  Not only would they tacitly like to “run the risk of totalitarianism” — with them in control, of course — but this is all predicated on taking away our guns.

Remember, this has nothing to do with safety.  The experience of Israel and those in the states arming themselves should be proof of this.  This is all about political power and control.  They don’t care about crime. 

All they care about is confiscating our guns to empower themselves.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image via Pexels.

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