Trump's presidency looks better and better every day

Do you remember those highway billboards with former President George W. Bush waving and the caption: "Do you miss me yet"? We need a few of those billboards for President Trump. Love or hate him, his presidency looks better and better in comparison every minute. And the comparison gets better when you look in the bullpen and see VP Mike Pence vs VP Kamala Harris.

Once again, we see how the world sees President Biden. Down in Mexico, he gets ridiculed by President Lopez-Obrador who goes AOC and calls his border fence "a backward step." In Iran, they get $6 billion and welcome talk of a nuclear deal by having their client Hamas attack Israel.

Who predicted that Iran would use the money to fund terrorism? You guessed it: Mr. Orange Man himself. Who told us that a Biden presidency would open the border and drive up gasoline prices? Another two for the Orange Man.

It's easy to play politics at times like these. However, it is a fact that the Biden Administration's efforts to appease Iran have projected weakness, as Alex Miller wrote:

The expectation was that the funds would be used for humanitarian aid. However, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told NBC News last month that the country would use the money “wherever we need it.”

Victoria Coates, former deputy national security adviser for the Middle East under the Trump administration, said that Iran had been starved of resources because of sanctions imposed by former President Donald Trump. 

“If you unfreeze funds, if you let them sell oil, they spend that money on violent mayhem in the region, and they spend that money on attacks on Israel,” Mrs. Coates told Fox News. 

Mr. Trump condemned the attacks, calling them a disgrace and supporting Israel to “defend itself with full force.”

“Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration,” Mr. Trump said.

Others are calling for Mr. Biden to be held culpable for the attack. 

“The Biden Administration must be held accountable for its appeasement of these Hamas terrorists, including handing over billions of dollars to them and their Iranian backers,” said House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana. 

Again, maybe it's only a coincidence that the attack occurred two weeks after the money was sent to Iran. Yes, we want our hostages back and we are happy about the family reunions.

Nevertheless, the optics are bad. Iran gets money and Hamas fires missiles. Biden talks border wall and Lopez-Obrador ridicules him publicly.

It's hard to disagree with the idea that we were better off under President Trump. At least, Iran feared him and Lopez-Obrador kept his mouth shut.

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Image: Gage Skidmore

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