Was Malia with the former Obama chef when he drowned?

Massachusetts State Police released a forty-page report on the death of Tafari Campbell, Obama’s chef, who drowned in July in Edgartown Great Pond. 

Judicial Watch, a conservative activist group, received it recently.  There are a number of discrepancies with the report when compared to the initial reports, which, not surprisingly, changed facts on a daily basis.

Originally, Tafari Campbell, who police said could not swim, was paddle-boarding alone on Edgartown Great Pond and was found drowned a day later in eight feet of water a hundred feet from shore.  I immediately questioned that in a previous article because the Massachusetts Estuaries Project shows that water depth for that distance from the Obama shore is only 2–3 feet deep.

The story changed, and suddenly there was another person with him, identified as a twenty-six-year-old female employee.  Malia Obama is twenty-five, and although the woman’s name is redacted from the report, it says that the female, believed to be Malia, arrived in a motorcade later that night to be interviewed.

From the report: “At approximately 8:40 PM, (redacted)’s motorcade arrived ... I observed that (redacted) was visibly emotional and was shaking from being cold and wet. I provided (redacted) with a jacket to warm up.”  Does that sound like Obama — leaving her cold and wet?  Absolutely.

The next morning, she was interviewed at the former president’s residence with him in attendance.  (Even though there are redactions in the report, it is still apparent who is who.)  Would the self-serving Obama, who was seen golfing two days later, sit in on two interviews with an employee?  Doubt it, but he’d have no choice with his own daughter.

The report claims that the female, who asked Tafari to go paddle-boarding, said he was an inexperienced swimmer, even though there are videos that Campbell posted online showing him swimming at an indoor pool.  She said they both stood up on their paddle boards and that he slipped off his board thirty seconds later and went under the water.  She swam to where he had been but could not find him in the brackish water. 

She returned to shore and ran to the Secret Service security post, and the Secret Service Rescue Swimmers immediately entered the water but were unable to find him.  They did find his baseball cap floating nearby.

In the original report, Barack and Michelle Obama were not on Martha’s Vineyard when Campbell drowned.  In the revised report, they were there but out to dinner.  A significant fact that changed was the police’s claim that Campbell’s body was 200–300 yards from shore.  If Campbell was such a poor swimmer, why did he go out that far and then try to climb on a paddleboard?

A somber-looking Malia and Sasha Obama were seen two days later at the airport, leaving the island.

There were no news reports that the Obamas attended any service for their close friend and chef or even sent flowers.  Michelle did dress in black two days later when she went to play tennis.

An autopsy said there was no indication of drugs or alcohol in Campbell’s system, but, as we have all seen in published photographs, Malia is no stranger to marijuana.  Just like her “choom gang” father.

Susan Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in Ohio for thirty years and is president of Susan Daniels & Associates.  Her memoir, The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama, is available at amazon.com and has a website at susandanielspi.com.

Image via Pexels.

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