Washington Post omits that Americans were slaughtered by Hamas

When the Washington Post prints the subheadline, “9 U.S. citizens killed in conflict,” and in the first sentence of the article says, “Nine U.S. citizens have been killed in the fighting between Hamas and Israel,” doesn’t the Post find it prudent and newsworthy to say which side killed them?

(I saw the piece in an item titled “Israel orders siege of Gaza Strip” dated Oct. 9, 2023, which seems to have been updated.) 

The Washington Post must correct this failure to identify the perpetrator.  It was clearly Hamas that perpetrated this cold-blooded murder of Americans, along with the murder of hundreds of other civilians, while taking grandmothers over 80 and infants as young as 9 months old as hostages.

In the largest, most murderous part of the attack, Hamas terrorists massacred nearly everyone in the first and second rows at a musical concert for peace!  And they slaughtered many more.  Yes, this is reminiscent of Babi Yar — the infamous mass killings by the Nazis during World War II where 33,771 Jews were lined up and executed in the front of a ravine called Babi Yar in Ukraine, which became a mass grave.  The Hamas terrorists also committed rape, beheadings, and other bodily mutilations.

Why is the Washington Post more eager to conceal the acts of Hamas terrorists, who are guilty of a Babi Yar–type massacre along with many atrocities, than to tell its American readership who murdered their fellow Americans?

With that mindset, why have a newspaper at all? 

Image: Ron Cogswell via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

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