What 'transwomen' and car accidents have in common

What do “transwomen” and car accidents have in common?  (No, this question isn’t the setup for the obvious joke punch line being, “everything.”)

Where on earth could people have gotten the idea to call a man in a dress a trans “woman”? Before, it was just “transsexual,” “crossdresser,” or “transvestite.”  But then they slipped the word “women” in there… and muddied up the conversation with confusion.

Someone on the Alphabet Mafia side did their homework. They studied language switcheroos and understood exactly what to do. They not only slipped the word “woman” in, they made you change your language… and you fell for it.

It’s not the first time you’ve fallen for language switching either. You call car crashes, car “accidents”; why is that?

It’s because the fledgling automobile industry in this country wanted their dangerous products to be perceived as safe.  “Car crashes” made the product sound dangerous, whereas a car “accident” made mishaps seem more rare, less serious, and limited liability by simple language implying that there was no bad intent.

Of course, car crashes are rarely intentional, but some are.

We have allowed this intentional misuse of language to go so unchecked that we have inaccurately named an entire industry; “Accident Injury Attorneys.”  The purpose of these lawyers is to prove negligence happened… the irony being that the word “accident” automatically implies that there was no negligence.

The problem is; that there has never been a car accident in all recorded history. Because in every car crash, someone did something wrong.  Most often it’s the drivers, but sometimes the manufacturers cause crashes with defective products.  Sometimes highway departments cause crashes with faulty infrastructure. 

Perhaps nobody “intended” to have a crash, but the drivers, manufacturers, or road departments did or didn’t do something.  Most likely the intent is to get to work on time… but actions undertaken in aim of that goal (like speeding) are intentional and negligent… in other words, not an “accident.”

Just like a man in a dress has never been a “woman.”

If a man shoots up artificial hormones, has bags of goo shoved into his chest, and gets his genitalia removed; he is simply a man who shot up artificial hormones, got bags of goo shoved into his chest, and had his genitalia removed… not a “woman.”

By the way, the alphabet mafia has already admitted that they know that men can’t become women.  They have done this because their language twist has a flaw.  That flaw is “feels like.”

When asked what constitutes a “woman,” rather than list characteristics attributed to females, liberals say “whoever feels like a woman.”  This is flat-out admitting that they know men are not women, because there’s no such thing as a “woman feeling.” 

Stop letting them get away with this nonsense. Don’t let people call car crashes or wrecks “accidents” (at least not until an investigation has happened with no blame assigned).  Don’t let them call a transvestite “woman.” “Man” will do.  Not “man in a dress” unless you’re discussing what he is wearing.  (See also: “that guy, dude, sir, brother, bub, Joe, Jack, Tom, Dick, and Harry… and sometimes John when employing a hooker).

Our car wreck concerning language isn’t accidental (it was manipulated), but we can correct it by mindfully ditching inaccurate terms like “car accident” and “transwoman.”

Image: Pexels -- Godisable Jacob

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