You can't drain a swamp from a raft in the middle

Speaking plainly, "News" outlets like Bloomberg and the Washington Post are a bucket brigade passing chamber pots for America-last Democrats.  A recent Bloomberg article, reprinted in the Washington Post, was entitled "Ex-Trump Officials Are Already Planning Their White House Return."  The article seems designed to boost the "dump Biden" movement and also exploits the night terror of the left that the most evil monster ever spawned in Queens or anywhere else could return.

The article does not sanction propinquity for the nouns "President" and "Trump," as would be the case for President Obama.  As words like "death" and "blood" are cheap devices to draw attention to a tawdry fright movie, just getting the dreaded name "Trump" in the title is expected to be enough to grab the reader's attention.  Nor does the article state that the transition plan comes from President Trump's own team; rather, it is provided by the Heritage Foundation, not always known for its support of Trump, and over 70 conservative think-tanks.

The article breathlessly warns that Trump would be so evil as to enact the policies for which he was re-elected.  Trump "could come to White House for a second time as one of the most prepared Republican presidents to remake the federal bureaucracy in his own image. ... What we are really trying to do here is lay some of the groundwork so that people understand that when they elect the president, they don't necessarily elect the government."

The American people have taken that hint inasmuch as they elected Donald Trump president and he inherited a government of well paid hypocrites, sworn to protect the Constitution yet willing to incinerate that document, terminate the justice system, and destroy the nation as a sovereign republic for the sole purpose of finishing off an elected president.

  1. The best predictor of the future is the past.  The richest and most powerful people in the world continue to maintain an ever-ready election-theft armada which they now dependably deploy in every election.  Wouldn't they use their cheating machinery against their most loathed enemy, especially when they know they can do so with impunity?
  2. All indications are the lady affectionately known as Big Mike will, at some point, open her $10,000 handbag and let the presidency of the United States drop into it.  (Michelle Obama has never had to compete fairly or strive vigorously for anything.)  Why would the Obamas stay in Washington, D.C. if not to claim her ultimate black privilege?  Why would Michelle Obama condescend to the style-and-smile coaches, the image revisionists who have turned her into the new Betsy Ross, if not to collect her great expectations?
  3. Democrats will pervert the law in unimaginable ways to prevent a second Trump presidency, and the mainstream media will publish any lie to help them.  They will convict him a hundred times of a hundred crimes.  They impeached a former president for the first time in history; why not impeach a president-elect?  The legal maneuvers to prevent the inauguration of a president who is obsessively hated by the federal government, the left-wing media and corporations, and who has already been outlandishly persecuted for seven years, are unimaginable.
  4. If all else fails, much of this nation will be burned to the ground.  Other things too awful to speak of could happen.  Gullible, emotional people raised to a fever pitch of hatred against one man for seven years might do anything.

Trump lost his best chance to make America America again when he failed to fight for the J6 political prisoners.  Maybe he wanted to cover up the misguided pride that called his supporters to a quicksand swamp he had failed to drain.  He does not have the power to get himself re-elected and to live in the D.C. mansion he loves so much.  He did have the power to make every J6 defendant a household name, build for them the richest and most aggressive defense fund the world has known, organize a general national strike, shut down D.C., and make life unlivable there.  He didn't do it.  He was already planning his re-election.

President Trump likes to say they are coming for him first before they come for you.  Really?  Trump lives in a palatial mansion, while some of his supporters still live in stinky stainless steel cells.  Trump is alive, while Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland, and Matt Perna are dead.

Perhaps the gloomy prophecies contained here are wrong.  Perhaps President Trump will be re-elected.  If so, may he learn one thing.  You can't drain a swamp from a raft in the middle; you will only get stuck in the mud.  If he's re-elected, he should be inaugurated in the largest football stadium in the heartland.  He should absolutely not move to the White House for at least two years.  He should create his own public/private physical and I.T. security and speak only to the American people.  He can make America strong again by using the presidential power over the Executive Branch.

And the standard for vice-president, Cabinet, and all appointments should be that none has ever held political office or lived in Washington, D.C.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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