Biden heckled by bearded woman promoting Hamas agenda in Minneapolis

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the face of your left.

Joe Biden was last night confronted by a bearded female rabbi who demanded a ceasefire in Gaza - leaving the president claiming he had asked for a 'pause.'

Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg stood up during his speech in Minnesota and told the president: 'As a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.' 


He was heckled by Rosenberg while speaking to a crowd of 200 donors at a private Minneapolis fundraiser. The rabbi's striking appearance gave rise to questions as to whether she is trans, but Rosenberg herself deliberately avoids the issue. 

Her biography, which appears on various websites, states she is 'a Reconstructionist rabbi born, raised, and based in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs.

She became a rabbi in order to learn our people's diverse and nuanced histories, and create spaces, ritual, and organizing that helps transform our relationship to past, present and future.'

She describes herself as 'a queer Jewish woman obsessed with Jewish history', and has championed LGBTQ+ rights, as well as Palestinian issues. 

That's from the Daily Mail, which describes the bizarre left-on-left encounter between Joe and his Hamas-promoting heckler, as well as her confused identity. She's a confused person all around -- mixed up about her gender, mixed up about what side she needs to be on, given what Hamas does to people it considers sexual deviants such as her. Not a word about God in her bio describing her motivations for becoming a rabbi, which is also confused. For Joe, it ought to have been an easy thing to dismiss any supposed "rabbi" stupid enough to promote what Hamas wants after the horrific massacre of Jewish people on October 7. But that's not the Joe Biden we know who insults hecklers. Joe took the crackpot seriously.

His response to her was a lame bid to soothe her ruffled feathers or beard hairs or whatever:

Biden told her: 'I think we need a pause. A pause means give time to get the prisoners out.'

He added: 'I'm the guy that convinced Bibi (Netanyahu) to call for a ceasefire to let the prisoners out. I'm the guy that talked to (Egyptian President) Sisi to convince him to open the door.'

The White House later clarified that Biden was referring to the hostages - not prisoners - held by Hamas after its Oct. 7 attack on Israel in which 1,400 people were killed and more than 200 taken hostage. 

That didn't satisfy her of course, because she can never be satisfied until Hamas gets all it wants. She's a fanatic who's blinded to any prospect of embracing reason.

But Joe tried to reason with her anyway. That's because he considers her someone on his own side.

Had his heckler been a Republican, or someone he suspected of having Republican sympathies, he would have handled her very differently -- with his default nastiness. That's what he does on the campaign trail against hecklers and those who ask uncomfortable questions. No 'hey fat' from him at this particular campaign event. No calls to push-up contests, no howls about Trumpiness, no calls for fights in the back of the barn, all of which he has done to others on the campaign trail in the past.

Which tells us a lot about how solid he is on the matter of Israel, which is not too solid at all. He has a need to placate this person, instead of send in security to drag her out by her t-shirt, as happened to one unfortunate heckler at a Hillary Clinton event recently.

That he can take this freak seriously at all is testimony to the left's allegiance to this sort of crazed person. Their party is full of them and they populate the Hamas protests and anti-Semitic events going on around the country. She's one of them, and as a Jew, a particularly foolish one.

Not a problem for Joe, though. He's a foolish person, too.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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