‘Biden’s Dream House’ infographic shows you the cost of climate compliance

Last week, a non-profit organization known as the Alliance for Consumers posted an infographic to X depicting “Biden’s Dream House.” It was a model home, featuring all the upgrades (but really more like downgrades) if a homeowner is to comply with the latest set of proposed “energy efficiency” standards and rules considerate of “climate change”… with the attached price tags. See below:

Then, the group continued with two follow-up posts.

Nearly ten thousand dollars and this is only the beginning, Remember this?

American Action Forum estimates that if the Green New Deal (GND) is enacted, every American household would pay $65,000 per year to foot the bill and that the total price tag could reach $95 trillion in the first ten years alone.

Liberal economist Noah Smith estimated that the cost of the Green New Deal without all the promises listed in the FAQ would be $6.6 trillion annually. That is three times as much as the federal government collects in tax revenue and about 34% of U.S. GDP. Under the Green New Deal, Smith estimates that nearly 75% of the economy would be spent by the government.

And, these are the costs at this moment in time. What happens as the U.S. dollar continues to devalue thanks to Congressionomics?

Last month, the Center for American Progress published an article noting several different ways that “Bidenomics” was “delivering for young people.” I laughed, thinking what a stupidly embarrassing assertion it was, given that young people are for the first time in our nation’s history, living in an America where homeownership is a rapidly diminishing prospect.

Well, in a weird way, CAP was right. Without owning a home, these young people won’t have to bear another aspect of the financial brunt that accompanies all things Bidenomics—at least not directly. (But of course, we know these government regulations affect everybody.)

Now, few things are more evident than the left’s war on abundant energy sources like crude oil and natural gas, and since the moment that Joe Biden took office, he’s prioritized the destruction of affordable and reliable energy. Expectedly, like every federal despot before him, he’s bludgeoned with bureaucracy, executive order, and Congress.

And you know where disobedience will get you? From an article reporting on noncompliance with energy rules in the United Kingdom:

Property owners who fail to comply with new energy rules could face jail time as the Government pushes ahead with net zero measures, a report has claimed.

First the fines though, then the jail time—as the article also notes:

Government Ministers want to grant themselves powers to create new criminal offences [sic] and increase civil penalties.

Property owners who do not adhere to regulations to reduce their energy consumption could face up to a year in prison and fines of up to £15,000, The Telegraph has claimed.

Such measures have been included in the Government's Energy Bill.

It provides for ‘the creation of criminal offences’ where there is ‘non-compliance with a requirement imposed by or under energy performance regulations’.

But what happens after the fines and jail time? Then what?

Seemingly, one could find the answer in a plethora of historical examples.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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