Democrats show their class as Tim Scott exits the presidential race

Is there anything that enrages Democrats more than an 'uppity' black Republican?

Doesn't look like it.

Check out the official Democratic National Committee (DNC) response to GOP presidential contender Tim Scott, who suspended his campaign over the weekend, effectively ending his run for the presidency.



One less competitor for them, and this is how they react.

Ordinarily, an exit like this would prompt crocodile tears from such quarters. They'd heap words of praise on Scott's run, do some racial notch-ticking about Scotts 'historic' candidacy, find some way to take credit themselves for it, and then snicker into their sleeves about one less candidate for their own side to worry about. After all, a threat has been eliminated.

Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was a direct competitor with Scott, demonstrated the classy way to do it:



But that would be normal. And it would be easy to do, too, because they'd benefit either way, and could gain even more plaudits for coming out looking classy.

But they'd rather go crass. 

And after that, decry the lack of 'civility' in American political life. 

It shows the depth of depravity that has overtaken the Democrats. The black guy drops out and they heap insults on him, a guy who can do them absolutely no harm at all now, and come out looking like creeps no matter how the matter is played. Might that be because Scott is a black Republican? Their bile directed at black people who refuse to toil on their plantation is very well known. They always reserve their worst invective for black conservatives.

Which serves as a reminder that Democrats are the party of the Klan, Jim Crow, and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They've always hated black people. This astoundingly nasty statement proves that they haven't changed a bit.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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