Government handouts beget financial ruin

For decades, the Democrats’ overriding goal has been to make more people dependent on government handouts, instead of supporting policies that would provide the people with opportunities to be financially secure and independent, encouraging ascension up the economic ladder. 

The Great Society anti-poverty programs of the 1960s were supposedly meant to reduce poverty, but in reality they were designed to encourage the dissolution of the family, as single-parent households are much more likely to end up on the government dole, which create a cycle of financial slavery and dependence on the government. These policies encouraged single parenthood by rewarding broken homes with more assistance than homes with married parents. From The Spectator:

Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society Cripples America

It was designed by people who disdained everyday Americans and were determined to fundamentally change America.

Many of our current domestic disasters stem from a slate of legislation passed six decades ago: President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, which resulted in a disastrous centralization of power in the Washington bureaucracy and then sought to impose its destructive values on Americans.

The results of these programs are exactly as you would expect: in 1960, only 5% of children were born to single mothers, today it is around 40%.

Over the last sixty years, Democrats have continuously compounded the problems and expenses of these programs.

They make it easier for people to qualify for Medicaid, food stamps, housing subsidies, and other benefits by ratcheting up the income of people who qualify instead of changing the policy. Once a government entitlement program starts, it essentially runs on automatic pilot.

Then Democrats add programs like Obamacare, which they falsely named the Affordable Care Act. When not enough people signed up, they raised the income limits and subsidies. Prices for health care skyrocketed; then the government started to pay care expenses to purportedly make it more affordable, and prices skyrocketed for those who were paying on their own. The higher the subsidies and income limits, the more it discourages people from getting out of the public trough.

Democrats routinely block policies that would require people who are mentally and physically capable of work, from being required to actually work if they’re also taking government handouts. Why would anyone block work requirements if they wanted people to achieve wealth and income equality and to get off the public dole?

The poor and minorities overwhelmingly approve voucher programs to give disadvantaged children and families the choice to go to better schools… yet Democrats block them. Why would anyone do that if they really wanted poor children to have better results?

Democrats like open borders because it greatly increases the number of people the government needs to support, speeding up the destruction of the country through socialism.

President Trump’s policies reduced poverty to all-time lows and was lifting all boats, yet Democrats opposed the policies and sought to destroy Trump every day. Why would anyone oppose successful policies unless the goal was to keep people dependent on the government because they think it will buy votes?

Democrats claim they are for freedom of choice and that they have a big tent, yet if blacks stray from voting Democrat they are trashed. They are not allowed to independently think or vote. The Democrats routinely denigrate Justice Thomas, Tim Scott, and Daniel Cameron, the black gubernatorial candidate in Kentucky. From Fox News:

Soros-funded group disparages Black GOP governor candidate as Uncle Tom: ‘All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk’

A far-left group being funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is targeting Kentucky Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron, a Black Republican, with an ad disparaging him as an Uncle Tom.

Black Voters Matter Action PAC, which FEC filings show received millions from Soros’ super-PAC, has been running the radio ad on a local R&B station based in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, describing Cameron as ‘Uncle Daniel Cameron,’ and accusing him of betraying his race by declaring ‘all skinfolk ain't kinfolk.’

‘Whats up Kentucky? It’s election time, and all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk. Over the past few years, we’ve taken to the streets to demand racial justice, to demand healthcare, and the right to make decisions about our body. And now, Uncle Daniel Cameron is threatening to take us backwards, the same man who refused to seek justice for Breonna Taylor now wants to run our whole state,’ the ad says.

Isn’t it racist when Soros, Biden, or anyone else tells blacks how they should vote? Remember when Biden said this? “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!” (Honestly, how could you forget, it was so despicable.)

The choice gets easier every day. Vote for the party that wants people of all races to have greater opportunities to move up the economic ladder and believes people of all races can determine independently how to vote. Or, vote for the party that wants more people to be dependent on the government, and which thinks that they are entitled to own the black vote no matter how few promises they have kept.

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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