Media panic: Trump wants to replace Obamacare!

The mainstream media will claim that Trump wants people to go without health care when the fact is that he wants to give people freedom of choice on what type of insurance to buy to make insurance more affordable.  He will get rid of mandates that greatly increase the costs.  They will call his proposals extreme, while it is actually Obamacare that is extreme. 

What they clearly won’t remind people about is how much Obama and others lied to the public in order to get Obamacare, or the misnamed Affordable Care Act, passed.  They intentionally spread misinformation that you could keep your doctor, that you could keep your plan, and that it would substantially lower premiums.

Former President Donald Trump threatened over the weekend to reopen the contentious fight over the Affordable Care Act after failing to repeal it while in the White House, saying he is “seriously looking at alternatives” if he wins a second term.

Trump’s comments drew rebuke from Democratic President Joe Biden ’s campaign, which cast them as another “extremist” proposal from the GOP front-runner.

I am sure that the media will not do a little research to report the truth about costs under Obamacare, so I will do the research for them.  It doesn’t take much time, but as with climate change or any other radical Democrat policies, most of the media will just function as a campaign arm for Democrats instead of doing their job. 

In 2009, before Obamacare, the average cost of single health insurance was $92.43 per month.  In 2023, after 14 years of Obamacare, the average cost for a single is $703 per month, or up around 655%.

In 2009, family coverage cost an average of $349.36 per month.  In 2023, the average cost is $1,997 per month, or up around 470%.

The average flat-rate premium paid by private industry workers increased from $67.57 per month for single coverage in 2004 to $92.43 per month for single coverage in 2009, and from $264.59 per month for family coverage in 2004 to $349.36 per month for family coverage in 2009.

Average annual health insurance premiums in 2023 are $8,435 for single coverage and $23,968 for family coverage. 

To put those astronomical increases in perspective, average family income in the U.S. in 2009 was $54,283, and in 2022, it was $67,521, or up around 25%.  Therefore, health care costs after Obamacare for a family are up about 16 times the amount of income increase. 

Average income in 2009 fell to $54,283[.]

The average median household income in the United States was $67,521, but most states range between $50,000—$90,000, with few outliers. 

Basically, Biden and other Democrat politicians generally want the government to get bigger and more people to be dependent on the government.  They want the government to dictate more of what people buy, whether it is the type of health insurance, type of car, or type of appliance. 

And Trump’s policies, during his term and his proposals, are for transferring more power, money, and choice back to the people as fast as possible and to give everyone the opportunity to move up the economic ladder and become more independent. 

It is truly a shame that most of the media colluded with Democrats to destroy Trump every day, no matter how many lies they had to tell, instead of supporting his successful policies that were lifting people of all races and all education levels up. 

The Affordable Care Act made health care more affordable in the same way that the Inflation Reduction Act made inflation go down.  They were named to intentionally mislead the public. 

The choice for president in 2024 becomes clearer every day. 

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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