Muslims marching against Geert Wilders conspicuously wave certain flags

I don’t speak Arabic, so I can’t decipher what they’re saying, but the video below depicts a recent eruption of protest in the Netherlands after the election of Geert Wilders:

What stands out to you? Well, the total absence of any Dutch flags, and the very conspicuous presence of Al Qaeda, Taliban, and ISIS flags—we don’t see them reaffirming their desire to be included as Dutch citizens that they claimed upon admission to the country, but their true nature is on display for all to see.

They clearly didn’t come to the Netherlands to assimilate (but we already knew that), and they have no allegiance or loyalty to the country that welcomed them; they came to conquer, which is exactly why the people just voted in anti-migration Wilders.

But wait, the people elected a conservative white man in a democratic process? The horror! That’s not Sharia law, and that’s not how governments are supposed to work!

It’s also striking that we don’t see a single “Palestine” flag or the Hamas flag for their beloved  “freedom fighters” scattered around Gaza and in the Gazan tunnels; like I said above, these are Al Qaeda, Taliban, and ISIS flags. The average demented leftist who argues that the cause of Hamas is legitimate, would not say the same of Al Qaeda, or the Taliban, or ISIS—so wouldn’t you agree that the optics of waving flags of groups that nearly everyone deems terroristic a little… ridiculous?

But this is the third-world Muslim modus operandi—all’s fair in war and conquest, and by its very nature, their doctrine is exactly that. First the terrorism and slaughter, then the subterfuge and exploitation of Western values, then the victim card.

They literally march in the streets, under a sea of terrorist banners, protesting against the democratic system of their host country, and then cry “Islamophobia” when Westerners want them out.

They break a ceasefire, invade Israel, rape women, slaughter families, and kidnap children, then immediately demand a new ceasefire, for the “innocent” people caught in the crosshairs of course, and then the accuse initial victims of being aggressors, oppressors, and Western colonizers..

They use human shields, even their own children, and intentionally target civilians, then denounce any Western peacekeeping force of inhumane treatment, and cry foul.

During all those years in Afghanistan, Taliban militants were notorious for shooting at Afghan forces and American troops, then throwing down their guns knowing the Americans were hogtied by Western Rules of Engagement—did they tauntingly yell “nana nana boo boo” as they stuck out their tongues and waved their fingers from their ears too?

The Muslim demonstrations unfolding in the Netherlands represent the choice that the entire Western world has to make: do we want to preserve the cultures and societies rooted in the unalienable rights of the Judeo-Christian worldview, or do we allow political Islam to conquer?

Image from X.

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