Our ideological civil war

Michael Moore, the multimillionaire, anti-capitalist, liberal activist, claims to love his country.  Since there is no evidence that Michael Moore is demented or psychotic, we must take him at his word.  How can he love America and hate capitalism?

One can only assume that he, and his peers on the left, dwell upon and hate the dark underbelly of Darwinian capitalism—cronyism, corruption, market dominance, “greed”—while loving an idealized concept of America, embracing the idyllic American tenets of equal opportunity, free and open competition, free markets, and the chance to be the best that you can be, while expecting unequal but equitable outcomes.  And these are basically the very same values conservatives cherish.  Clearly, this ideal state of affairs is not where we are as a nation.  There obviously exists a gap between the idyllic and the real life socioeconomic realities of America.  But instead of collaborating in their common vision to move towards these ideals, the right and the left have parted company.

Left wing activists see only a nation controlled by oppressive crony-capitalist one percenters, racists, and Chauvinists, a “system” which deviates too far from the American ideal, is responsible for all social injustices, and is “rigged” to hold victim the poor, the marginalized, and the minorities so as to enrich itself.  This oppressive, racist, Chauvinistic system can be exposed only through social activism and controlled only via progressive legislation and judicial activism.  The system needs to be brought down and replaced with a just one of equality, inclusion, and diversity.

The left’s intolerance of the gap between ideal and actual American society is in stark contrast to the attitude exhibited by the right.  Conservatives are more likely to view and interpret any such gap as a natural consequence of ethnic and cultural evolutionary differences and abilities, and individual differences in dominance, submissiveness, focus, and ambition—forces which cannot be overcome through social activism, government fiat, or entitlement programs or subsidies.

It is thus the left’s assignment of guilt and blame in their ideological construct of an oppressor/oppressive, villain/victim “system”, and its vengeful modi operandi in attempting to close the gap between the ideal and the actual that creates the real rift between the right and the left.  They disingenuously equate the “system”  and all its injustices with conservatism.  But injustices emanating from the system are largely products of human nature, not of the “evils” of conservatism.

The dark, survivalist, selfish qualities constituting the yin of human nature are not the exclusive purview of the evil-minded, hateful, bigoted, willfully-malevolent conservatives—they lurk in everyone.  Conservatives accept them as a reality of terrestrial existence and try to deal with them on an individual basis.  The left by contrast has a serious problem with internally resolving their own dark side of human nature.

It projects it onto its conservative adversaries while denying it within itself.  Liberals are the self-proclaimed moral beacons of society and its virtue-signaling social justice warriors, globalists, and savers of the planet.  (Woodrow Wilson, liberal Democrat, peacenik, father of the League of Nations, and staunch advocate of progressive government held that human nature was subject to Darwinian evolution.  Those enlightened by such genetic selection constituted an elite human subset inherently more ethical, moral, and just than the more Neanderthal laggards of the species.  They were the chosen ones rightfully positioned to control the destinies of all.  This concept forms the basis for contemporary leftist activism.  To date, however, there is no evidence of the emergence of a Homo sapiens Wilsonium variety.)

And, hypocritically, the left readily calls upon its own yin to achieve its ends.  It condones and instigates rioting, criminal behavior, illegal immigration, cancel culture, reverse discrimination, politicalization of the legal system, and judicial activism.  It justifies such actions to itself as the only recourse available to the victimized and oppressed in their struggle to neutralize the oppressors and to attain social justice.

This right versus left scenario is of course orchestrated and amplified by a cadre of opportunistic power seekers on the left who manipulate the masses to create a culture of victimization which can be set free only by rendering the oppressive forces of the right powerless.  These puppet masters on the left do not hesitate to employ their own yin to achieve their goals and will continue to do so if and when they succeed in gaining political autonomy.  Their goals are not idyllic, a reality unappreciated by their recruited minions.

Contrary to the tenets of leftist activism, idyllic America will not be attained by eliminating conservatism and the right.  It will certainly not be attained by ascendency of the left.  Idyllic America can be attained only by eradicating the yin of human nature.  Good luck with that, Michael.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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