Pro-Palestinian fanatics try, fail to ruin the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade

Doing what only the “Palestinians” (sic) and their equally hate-filled fellow travelers such as the ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War, End Racism [sic!]) Coalition can do — enjoy destroying others’ enjoyment — these marginal people attempted to shut down the all-American, wholesome Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York.  One of their sympathetic, non-objective mouthpieces, Al Jazeera, disingenuously described their nefarious activities this way:

Pro-Palestine protesters pause Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Pro-Palestine demonstrators glued their hands to the street in the middle of the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, temporarily halting the event. There were other instances of protests on the sidelines as well.

“Pause.”  Hmmm.

The festive crowd of onlookers, including parents and children, eager to participate in the star-studded festive doings with cartoon characters waving from elaborate floats, marching bands, and more, were having none of this.  Neither were New York officials.

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted the beloved Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on Thursday by gluing their hands to the middle of 6th Avenue and covering themselves in fake blood — before at least 400 demonstrators stormed Midtown at the end of the annual family spectacular.

Several protesters — wearing white jumpsuits emblazoned with inflammatory slogans such as “colonialism,” “ethnic cleansing” and “fascism” — interrupted the floats and balloons just before 11 a.m., forcing the parade to be temporarily halted.

They marched down 6th Avenue grasping a large sign reading, “Liberation for Palestine and Planet” and shouting anti-Israel slogans. ...

Video shows at least one person crying out in pain as cops tried to move them and get them into handcuffs. 

Awwww.  Pain is the least punishment these deranged murderous imperialist colonialists should endure.

For they, and their fellow pro-slaughter barbarians, have equally destructive plans for today, Black Friday — the day inaugurating the Christmas shopping frenzy, which will optimistically culminate in a profitable year for retailers as displayed in their accountants’ black ink as opposed to red-ink losses.  These fringe losers are planning more meaningless protests.

Organizers told Newsweek they’re rallying at commercial centers, refusing to shop at large corporate stores and attending virtual protests as hundreds of millions of Americans flock to retailers Friday. 

Yeah, that’s their usual senselessness!

Shoppers, do your part!  Don’t let them!  As a President Barack Hussein Obama (D) adviser cleverly advised over 13 years ago, “punch back twice as hard” — literally if necessary, but also use reality and call in the police.  The lawyers.

Because if you don’t, remember President Donald J. Trump (R)’s insight:

In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you — and I’m just standing in their way.

That’s right!  If you don’t stop these murderous thugs now, as Israel is doing, you, yes you, the innocent parade-goer, the holiday shopper, will be next in line to be victimized by these fanatics.

You have been warned.  Now act accordingly. 

Image: JJBers via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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