Seeing diversity clearly

“Diversity is our strength” and “multiculturalism” (hereafter lumped in with “diversity”) have long been thought of as good things. What recent years have taught us is that diversity often kills cohesion and the ability of  a given culture to maintain its unique standards. For example, for a couple hundred years, America believed and behaved as though we were a single organism; a nation forged from the ashes of a brutal war to gain our independence from the king. We were of one mind, that being that America is good, that it has a soul, and that it will hold together where people of good faith have common goals; prosperity, freedom, liberty, and generosity. And then came diversity.

Diversity is the influx into and adoption of ethics, morality, and customs of a foreign element such as “gay rights,” “Black power,” or “trans women are real women.”

With “gay rights” it became okay for gay people to inflict their perversity on children in schools. In addition, gay relationships became ubiquitous in entertainment; “Queer Eye,” for example. With gay rights came a certain legitimizing of the gay lifestyle and drag queenery. After that, gay became okay. But for most Americans, it’s not okay; it’s a perversion of the way God set things up.

The Black hip-hop culture also entered the bloodstream of America. It legitimized profanity, anti-female “ho” culture, and music that wasn’t music but an egocentric run-on rant against cops, employers, white people, and genuine education. “Thinking White” such as being on time, having correct answers, having a work ethic, and working for a living became anathema to the Black culture. Math became racist as did just about everything else such as actually working for a living. This gave rise to the mainstreaming of Critical Race Theory (CRT), which has as its core that all White people are inherently racist oppressors who don’t even know it. There is no known cure, but thankfully there is a current wave of DEI firings. That is good news. Turns out DEI is a bit too diverse for wise employers.

With the recent trans movement, a tidal wave of transsexualizing young children swept the American culture leading to a deepening rift between parents who “don’t understand” their own children and teachers who actually promoted transsexualism. This was done to further break down the American family, which would, in the hopeful minds of malevolent Marxists in our public schools, lead to another generation of parent-hating children ripe for the brainwashing techniques of the teachers unions. Such brown-shirted children were hoped to become the automaton soldiers of the oncoming war against Americanism and the nuclear family.

Add to this a massive increase in South American, Muslim, Indian, Mexican, and other minorities that flooded our nonexistent borders with their own, often vile, ideas of how to destroy America. We have been fatally remiss in assuring that the multicultures and diversity aspects of newcomers do not fundamentally remake American life for the worse. Barack Obama began this deconstruction in earnest, openly and arrogantly declaring that America was far too American for his taste. And so it began that all these new ideas and diverse cultures had a cumulative negative effect on a once-cohesive America. Diversity turned out to be not so good, which we are only now seeing clearly, thank God. Better late than never.

It can be argued that some new ideas from other cultures are good. Latin dance is wonderful. I love Indian food, Asian food, and other cuisines, but aside from that kind of “diversity,” the overall effect of diversity on America has been a breakdown of cohesion, not beneficial additions to the culture overall.

Call me an American nationalist. I love America and I weep at her current “diverse” and “multicultural” condition that has led to what is going on in the mean streets and cities of diversity-loving Democrat-run USA. Can the toothpaste be put back into the tube?

Unless we redevelop a cohesive American ideal and jettison the progressive, fairyland, multicultural unrealistic ideal, America will become an amorphous cemetery of flapping flags, none of which say, “I am America.”

Image: Province of British Columbia

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