Smackdown: Sleazy progressive bid to discredit Speaker Mike Johnson backfires

Life's tough for progressives these days on the congressional front.

First they thought they had destabilized the GOP congressional majority by colluding with the ouster of Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Now they've got Mike Johnson to deal with as House Speaker, and they don't know anything about him, other than he's quite the conservative.

So after a flurry of attacks from the left about Johnson's stances on gay and trans conversion therapy, which went nowhere, Rolling Stone magazine went for the low blow, and tried to pull this:



In response, they got this:



Which makes them look like sleazebags. "When did you stop beating your wife" seems to be their role model for their "journalism." And they've had to make big payouts in the past for this bad quality of journalism.

It highlights that the left is desperate to pin something on Johnson, and having run out of ammo, is now resorting to false, defamatory tactics. It's gotta be tough for them. They collect negative data on almost all the politicians they follow for release at times such as these, but they probably weren't even following him enough to collect Kompromat on him. He's an unknown actor to them so now they are flailing.

One hopes that this trash weakens them and Speaker Johnson can get on with the job he was elected by the voters to do.

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