The fearless (but few) of Ireland

Tragedy struck Ireland yesterday, and it’s no surprise to anyone paying attention.

The Irish are known for their fighting spirit.  They've shed much blood to protect their beautiful island for near a millennium.  They never once flinched or cowered.

How times change.  Ireland’s in trouble.  It’s withering under a vicious strain of Progressivism and Open Borders.  At the rate the Irish are going, it won’t be long before their country’s unrecognizable.  Who thought it was a good idea to flood Irish towns with the Third World?  Certainly not the Irish, not counting the scoundrels in Leinster House.  For those in the frontlines, ’tis a jarring disruption.  Some call it an act of war.  And after yesterday’s events, it’s easy to see why.

Why no revolt, you ask?  Where’s that famous fighting spirit?  Oh, it’s there — and it’s growing — but as more speak out, the government looks to criminalize criticism.  They look to criminalize discussion.  Are they determined to sow chaos?  To destroy Ireland?  How could any rational thinker conclude otherwise?

Look at poor England.  A hundred years ago, she ruled the planet.  Now she’s a laughingstock.  Brexit was an absurdity.  Leave?  Remain?  Who cares?  England’s lost its soul either way — and it pains me to say that!  Will Ireland follow her posh cousin to the depths of hell?  If this preposterous experiment isn’t stopped, Ireland may lead the charge.

I wrote Fearless Men, But Few to document the insanity.  Why would a Canadian write a book on modern-day Ireland?  It needed to be written.  FMBF runs counter to the mainstream.  FMBF tells it like it is.  So do its characters.

In my lifetime, I’ve watched Canada morph into a multicultural mishmash.  Is that good?  Is that bad?  Is that unprecedented?  I’m so close to the storm that it’s difficult to comment — though that didn’t stop me from trying in All Thy Sons.  But we’re not talking about Canada.

We’re talking about Ireland for the Irish. No one questions Japan for the Japanese, or Kenya for the Kenyans.  Why should Ireland be different?  Canada, America, Australia — one may argue they’re built by immigrants.  Not Ireland.  Ireland was built by the Irish for the Irish.  I’ve learned that such views are controversial.  Heresy.

But how do the Irish feel?  How do they really feel?  Tune out the politicians.  And the public broadcaster.  Talk to the man on the street.  Listen to what’s in his heart.  You’ll not hear a warm embrace for the new ways.  Nay, you might hear echoes of those who once walked the sacred land.  Fierceness.  Defiance.  You might even hear shrieks of horror and bellows of rage.  I’ve heard them.  They’re everywhere.

Through the fictitious town of Castlegarry, FMBF examines the alarm and disbelief.  It ponders the emerging tyranny that has citizens frozen in fear.  Above all, it shows what’s happening across the land to real people in real towns — how a way of life is being systematically destroyed.

FMBF is an angry book, and mostly one-sided.  It takes the Irish side, can you believe it?  The thesis is simple — which way Irish Man?  Tradition or Globohomo steamroll?  FMBF makes no prediction.  The future of Ireland is in the hands of the Irish.

They say the ethnic Irish will be a minority in ten years.  They say it’s inevitable.  I wonder what they said a century ago to men like Pearse and Collins.

Is it too late to save Éire?  A hardy band of patriots is giving it a mighty go.  Men like Grand Torino, Critiqued, The Don, and the Irish Patriot.  Aliases yes — truth-telling’s become a dangerous game.  Ah, but there are public figures, too, like Gemma and Justin.  These folks are sticking their necks out.  They’re channeling yesterday’s heroes.

Like FMBF’s protagonist, they’ve no idea what they’re up against.  Or maybe they have.  Either way, there’s no denying their courage.  If only Ireland had a few more of ’em.

K.M. Breakey is the author of Fearless Men, But Few and six other novels.  He can be reached at “km @”

Image: Still Burning via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0.

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