Traditional masculinity triggers the godless left

Like a cross to a vampire, traditional masculinity triggers the godless left.  Why is this so?

So much of leftism attacks classic masculine traits such as courage, assertiveness, independence, and leadership.  Here’s why it must.

Could it be because masculinity is normal?

Everything about the left is a parody and a counterfeit.  Leftists’ policies and goals are steeped in chaos, with the upending of what used to be accepted behaviors of the two sexes. 

There is nothing chaotic about true masculinity.  If anything, masculinity produces order and calm, which is kryptonite to the radical left. 

Take a guess as to the masculinity poster boy who most triggers the godless left.  That’s right: none other than President Donald Trump.

Let’s see...the left labels Trump as bombastic and braggadocious, yet he exhibits those masculine traits of courage, assertiveness, independence, leadership, and results in spades.  Maybe that’s why the left and RINOs on the right hate him? 

Trump not only exemplifies those qualities, but celebrates other men who project those qualities.  Just look at any of his rallies.  He always makes a point of singling out people in his audience who look like men’s men.  He highlights and celebrates that as one alpha male to another, which gets the left seething.

“Toxic masculinity this” and “toxic masculinity that!” they whine, as if every male is a bully or misogynist.

Now, are there some jerks who exhibit those negative qualities?  Of course.  But who stands against those who bully others?  That’s right: the masculine male.

The experts say toxic masculinity is harmful to nations because of misogyny, dominance, and violence.  Let’s examine these examples one by one.

Most masculine men are chivalrous to women because of their upbringing.  Notice that you never ever hear the left discuss chivalry as a part of masculinity.  Nope, all we hear associated with masculinity is sexism. 

Dominance is also alien to true masculinity.  These men do not obsess over bending people to their will; they’re too busy living their lives, taking care of their families, and working their jobs.  Only godless narcissists and sociopaths walk around, contemplating how they can dominate society and culture.  Remember, control is a reaction to fear.

That brings us to violence...

For real toxic males, violence is a go-to, whether it’s raging, protecting fragile egos, dominating women, or impressing peers with random assaults.  We’re talking developmentally arrested individuals, lacking self-control.  For them, violence is strength. 

On the other hand, threats to family, friends, innocents, and personal safety are go time for the traditional masculine man.  These are males with self-control and patience...up to point.  While these men are not prone to violence, they are not afraid to use it when needed. 

God imbued masculinity to men to protect; build; carry on the species; fight; and, if necessary, defeat evil.  Demonizing masculinity, in favor of radically feminizing culture, is withering the United States of America and Western civilization.

This coordinated attack on masculinity is not to make us a better nation, as the leftist mantra often claims.  Instead, it is a strategy to destroy Western nations like the United States, Canada, and Great Britain by weakening their protectors: masculine men.

Want to know the biggest reason the left hates Trump and any other unapologetic masculine men?  These guys, whether in big ways or small, inspire men to stand, resist, and fight.

Most importantly, such men are heroic to young boys and teens.  They provide an ideal for them. 

True masculine guys don’t obsess over what people think about them.  They form their opinions based on their core beliefs and principles. 

The ever-growing numbers of MAGA reflects a country of males thirsty for simple, plain-spoken truths outside the gaslighting left.  That’s sand in the gears of leftism, which bullies people into staying silent and standing down out of guilt, shame, or fear. 

Men like Trump are dangerous to the left, so they are demonized as racists, misogynists, and homophobes.  This is done so other guys will hesitate to push back against the crazy leftist agenda.

Too many men want to be liked and accepted by everyone: pop culture, friends, and even people they hardly know.  They parrot mainstream thinking with their comments and observations and are mortified if they offend anyone.  These are beta males. 

To quote the legendary Brooklyn Dodgers manager, Leo Durocher, “nice guys finish last.”  Or in this case, beta males aren’t even in the fight. 

The need for traditional masculinity is a truth that may offend many in our angry, petulant, and unserious culture.  Since traditional masculinity triggers the godless left, more males should embrace this trait with alacrity. 

Dex Bahr blogs at the Discerning and is the author of the new book, American Christian: A Treatise of Spiritual, Cultural and Political Discernment, now on sale at Amazon.  He is also the author of No Christian Man Is an Island: Leading the Spiritual Quest in America’s Culture Wars.

Image: pudgefeet via Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0.

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