What's wrong with urban voters?

At first glance, the divisions between Left and Right seem insurmountable, and while it is no doubt that we are in the midst of a great conflict and that battle lines have been clearly drawn, we should take a step back and take stock of where we’re at, who we are, and what must we do to broaden our appeal to those who haven’t historically voted Republican.

Frankly, it is remarkable that any American, other than hard-core leftists, votes for the Democrat Party. Many Democrats either vote by rote or have been deceived. Today’s Democrat Party is not your father’s (or grandfathers) Democratic Party and have completely gone Marxist/Leninist/Maoist. The Obama/Biden years can be a wake-up call, as a majority of Americans believe that we are on the wrong track -- domestically, internationally, culturally, and economically.

The Belly of the Beast Initiative is a personal project designed to document the plight of historically Democrat constituencies, how their loyalty has proven detrimental to their current circumstances, and how conservatives might appeal to them that there might be a better way forward. These groups include:

  •        Blacks
  •        Hispanics
  •        Students (millennials, gen-x)
  •        Jews
  •        LGBTQ+
  •        Union members
  •        Catholics
  •        Suburban women
  •        Urbanites 
  •        RINOs

There has been much discussion of the rapid deterioration of leftist-run urban centers, due to rampant violent crime (soft-on-crime DAs), failing schools (entrenched education unions), drug and alcohol abuse, homelessness, mental illness, and an increased blight in residential, retail, and commercial real estate.

Dan Bongino often states on his podcast;

Things are just not bad enough yet for a lot of people to wake up from the Kool-Aid slumber.

While we may be rightly cynical of the plight of Urban voters’ circumstance, now is an excellent time to reach out to these voters and communicate to them;

a)     The cause of their plight -- leftism, and

b)     That there is a better way forward, as Donald Trump asked in 2019 What do you have to lose?”

Bongino relates his experience growing up in pre-Guiliani New York, how bad things got, and how New Yorkers finally reached a point where they had finally had enough. New York City is now just as bad, if not worse, than it was before Rudolph Guiliani.

Citizens of San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Detroit, Dearborn, Ferguson, Flint, Atlanta, Memphis, New York City, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Boston, El Paso, Austin, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Denver, New Orleans, Philadelphia, etc.  – wake up from your Kool-Aid slumber!

The trajectory of leftist-run cities is dire. It can (and will) get worse. Much worse.

While Republicans aren’t perfect, if you compare any city in the list above with a comparably sized Republican-run city, you’ll find that they’re run more efficiently, with more discipline, and are subsequently experiencing better outcomes than the leftist-run cities on the list.

Mr. and Mrs. Urban Voter: We are sympathetic to your plight (to a point) but are increasingly resigned to letting you suffer by your continued loyalty to a party that is destroying your city, state, culture, livelihood, and more broadly our country.

Choose wisely, my friend. What do you have to lose?

Image: Kevin Jones

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