Where is the loyalty of some of our congressmen?

Voters can easily know if a candidate is born outside the U.S., but it is not so easily known if he holds dual citizenship.  There is no requirement for members of Congress to publicly disclose that, but with several of them pursuing polices against U.S. interests, their allegiance to our republic needs frequent reaffirmation.

Ilhan Omar (D-Minn., 5th District) and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash., 7th District) were both born outside the U.S.  Given their anti-American antics, this question naturally arises: is dual citizenship clouding their judgement about what’s best for America?  Regardless, they must not have been paying attention during their U.S. Citizenship naturalization ceremony, particularly the Oath of Allegiance, which includes these clauses:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same[.]

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) maintains a detailed personal profile on each member of Congress, but it doesn’t include their dual citizenship status.  Instead, this membership report for the 117th Congress informs us that “[t]wenty-nine Representatives and five Senators (6.3% of the 117th Congress) were born outside the United States.  Their places of birth include Canada, Cuba, Germany, Guatemala, Japan, Peru, and India.”

Maybe Somalia will be included next time, because that’s where Ilhan Omar was born.   Her “Ilhan for Congress” web page proudly states she’s “Somali.  Black.  Muslim.  Woman.  Refugee.  Minnesotan.” 

That provides a disturbing insight into her muddled mindset: she touts being a black Somali woman, but not her pride in becoming an American citizen, which should induce joy, given her origins.  Is she a dual citizen?  She doesn’t seem to be abiding by her oath of allegiance to America.  While that doesn’t pre-empt serving in Congress, it’s a fact that should be more easily accessible for voters.

More informed voters can then decide whether their incumbent has the best interest of the U.S. at heart and in mind.  For example, we could consider Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels, who recently announced that he will run against Omar in the 2024 Democrat primary.  Perhaps, even in leftist Minneapolis, Omar’s anti-American (and anti-Israel) tirades will yet be her downfall.  Samuels, born in Jamaica, stated: “We have to remember that Israel is our ally.  Hamas is in fact a terrorist organization.”

Then there are the other Squad members.  Given her inflammatory pro-Hamas rhetoric, censured Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich., 12th District) might as well have been born in Palestine.  In fact, her parents are Palestinian immigrants in Detroit.  And when she was elected to Congress, her family in the West Bank cheered mightily.  Confoundedly, the unapologetic and un-American congresswoman even displays a Palestinian flag outside her Capitol office.  Responsible, civic-minded parents, having taken the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance, would counsel her to renounce her fidelity to “to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty.”

That oath, if taken, may have been conveniently forgotten by immigrant ingrates, but there’s still the Pledge of Allegiance to confirm loyalty.  The House formally added the Pledge to its rules during the 104th Congress (1995–1997).  There’s just no excuse for members of Congress not internalizing those simple words that are often repeated before business is conducted in chambers.

It raises the question:  does Tlaib (and her anti-American Congressional cabal) really “pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America”?  In fact, it would be apt to remind Tlaib’s constituents about the pledge.  After all, in unbelievably un-American fashion, the town of Dearborn Heights in Michigan has a welcome sign that prominently displays two — two — Palestinian flags.

Per the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in West Virginia v. Barnette, we can’t make people pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States.  However, at least in districts like Dearborn Heights, and perhaps those with dual-citizen candidates, election officials might replace the “I voted” sticker on ballot materials with a slightly larger decal containing our pledge of allegiance.  It is only 31 patriotic words, and it may remind voters to be circumspect when they see it imprinted conspicuously on the ballot instructions — or envelope.

A main contributor to the fall of civilizations is that a “sudden population shift or a shift in demographics may force a civilization’s infrastructure to break down.”  Progressive congressional members with dubious allegiances are facilitating the influx of hordes of migrants who run amok over our infrastructure and ravage our resources.

They’re so dubious, in fact, that Squad members received funds from a non-profit with ties to Hamas known as AJP Educational Foundation Inc., AKA American Muslims for Palestine.  The group is under investigation by the Virginia attorney general for possibly providing support to terrorist organizations. 

This reinforces the imperative for American fidelity in elected officials through joyful and animated citations of oaths and pledge.  And through banning non-American flags in Congress, encouraging congressional candidate primary challenges, reining in TikTok propaganda, disciplining masked and insubordinate Congressional staffers, and condemning wayward academia.

Regarding that last item: The House approved a resolution to condemn support of Hamas and Hezb’allah on college campuses.  However, twenty Democrats opposed it.  Given that Hamas recently killed 33 Americans, and ten of our brethren are unaccounted for, the naysayers need their heads examined.  Their loyalty, too.

Let’s promote fidelity to our great republic, “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Image: scottgunn via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0.

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