A killer's privilege

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue recently filed a lien against the property of Ashley Biden for $5,000 she has owed in income taxes since 2015. Her father was the vice president at the time.

Ashley lives in Philadelphia with her husband. Liens enable the government to recoup unpaid taxes. The amount would be higher than the original amount because the government adds hefty penalties and interest. Maybe she should move to Maryland.

Michael Byrd, the Capitol police officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt on January 6, seems to have no fear of the government coming after him. He has owed the government $56,366 since 2019. He bought a $520,000 house in Prince George’s County, MD, the same year despite his previous multiple foreclosures and bankruptcies. His house has no lien on it.

His last bankruptcy, in 2009, showed debts of $1.2 million, which he incurred after a bankruptcy ten years before. The court let him satisfy the 2009 claims for $14,547. 

His indebtedness to the government since 2019 has skyrocketed. An accredited business site online claims that Byrd would now have accumulated a $26,632.80 penalty and interest of $11,244.78 for a total of $94,243.29. No effort is being made to make him pay. 

Looks like Black privilege to me.

Susan Daniels is a licensed investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story available on Amazon.com.

Image: USMC

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