After Senate gay sex scandal, where are the morals?

We are increasingly visited by sleeplessness and nightmares over what the internet brings us these days.

Currently, we have a new shocking image burned on our corneas: a naked youngish man in position to be sodomized; a Senate staffer, curved over a table in the Judiciary Room (oh, the irony!) of the U.S. Senate.  

Quite immediately, the Maryland Democrat Senator in a position of authority, and this young man’s boss, issued a terse firing statement.

What is wrong with this picture, aside from all the blindingly obvious reasons?

This, for starters: the Democrat Senator needs to do something bigger than fire this young man.

The Senator needs to accept responsibility for the state of play in his own office. That is what real men do.

Many politicians in D.C. need to do far more than tut-tut over the Hamas terror attack on innocent Jews.

What a scary number of our elected officials need to do is to understand that their own venality and greed, their own political casuistry, their own Bidenesque international mafioso wheelings and dealings, their own disloyalty to their oaths of office, have brought the U.S. to a place where moral and political conversion is mandated for the survival of liberty and justice. And it's not just them but the voters who elect them.

Lots of us are asking ourselves, what more does it take? We can name a lot of politicians over the past few decades who have lied, cheated, self-aggrandized themselves with apparently no compunction at all: among these are presidents, senators, congresspeople -- not a one has been held truly accountable.

Of course, it has always been the case that Washington D.C. is a nexus for corruption. But not at this fevered pace.

Do we have any hope?

Jesus came into a world not unlike our own. He came poor, he lived poor, and he was crucified. End of story? No. He started the greatest faith the world has ever seen. He made women and men aware, if they so choose, of the love of God towards them. He expects us to love Him back. He expects us to endure the whip of Satan, as He did, but to not let Satan into our hearts — the latter cannot get into us if God is with us, inside us, comforting us with the spectacular, life-changing birth of his son.

We need a return to morality, because these are moral problems.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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