Angels on the sick floor of a first-class Boston hospital

Mrs. Devon has spent the last four nights at a world-class hospital in Boston, racked with a horrible coughing fit from bilateral pneumonia. Here on this hospital ward, there are living angels, nurses, and staff who bring care, hope, and a smile to the very sick and greatly suffering. There are also staff doctors, working 75-hour weeks, who still give a damn about their patients.

I had brought two deli sandwiches to the hospital, one for Mrs. Devon and one for myself. Mrs. Devon passed on eating, exhausted from the multiple IV antibiotics, respiratory treatments, and unstoppable coughing. I offered the extra sandwich to her doctor; he happily wolfed it down and spoke of the avalanche of pneumonia cases overwhelming the hospital’s wards, which has also led to spot shortages of antibiotics throughout Boston.

My wife’s pneumonia is hardly an isolated case. According to the doctor, there has been a huge spike during the past ten weeks in rarely encountered Central American respiratory illnesses infecting Boston’s senior and pre-k population. All those folks pouring over our non-existent Southern border come with deadly consequences. Nine seniors on this one hospital floor alone all have a variety of pneumonias. As the doctor left, he said the hospital’s ER has encountered, within the last two weeks, polio, TB, and a shocking number of other third world diseases.

He added, due to Boston’s reputation for excellent medicine, the city has become a nationwide magnet for some of the sickest illegal migrants and now Boston’s medical community is breaking under the strain.

As I see it, our “elected” Marxist-Leninist overlords are guilty of treason for waging biological warfare against the American people. 

This, in their minds, is a feature, not an unintended “bonus” of the massive illegal invasion currently destroying our country.

Michael Devon is a pseudonym. Mrs. Devon will hopefully be released home later this week. Prayers are welcome for all those who are suffering due to the treasonous immigration policies of this administration.

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