COP 28 kicks off in another country made rich by oil

I know this is repetitive, but we currently have climate change gabfest number 28 going on in a country that is wealthy because of oil. The United Nations, rich elitists, politicians, bureaucrats, and others are gathering to see how quickly they can destroy highly advanced, and prosperous, countries around the world, but especially the United States. They fly in their private jets, live in multiple mansions, and sail on their private yachts as they lecture us about our carbon footprint.

It is all a massive fraud to control us. If they can destroy reasonably priced energy that makes economies thrive, they can control everything, and that is their goal.

Anyone who thinks China, Russia, Iran, or all these other oil producing countries, or the extravagantly wealthy jetsetters patronizing these conferences, will give up their oil and quality of life if the working class people in the first world do, needs to have their heads examined. Buying worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits does not reduce the emissions of private jets; it is a fake way to signal concern.

In 1922, the WaPo had a front page story about how the ice caps were melting fast and coastal cities would soon disappear. It was essentially the same warning as we see today/.

The predictions were 100% wrong, and the globe went into a cooling period from 1940–1975. It had cooled enough that on the first Earth Day in 1970, the predictions of doom and gloom changed from overheating to a coming ice age—billions would soon die from starvation!—most of the media just regurgitated these warnings with no questions or research.

(Here are “18 Spectacularly Wrong Prophecies from the First Earth Day” if you’re looking for a laugh and some vindication.)

If the earth cooled while all the things we are told cause warming (population growth, CO2, oil use, coal use, cars, cows, etc.) increased rapidly—which it did— then the narrative that these things cause warming is false. It is common sense and clear, evidence-based facts. There is no valid argument on the other side. It is clearly not settled science no matter how often it is repeated.

Then in the 1980s after the warnings of a coming ice age proved false, the green pushers, including the media, educators, politicians, scientists, bureaucrats, and others colluded to scare everyone with the same warnings of the 1920s. Facts clearly don’t matter.

For the last forty years we have been told we have little time left to control temperatures and the climate. They have worked very hard to indoctrinate people into capitulation. Each subsequent prediction becomes more dire, and they always say there are only a few years to solve the problem. The solution is always more government.

Humans, CO2, cars, and our use of natural resources do not cause warming or cooling. We have had many warming and cooling periods over billions of years, and they all occurred cyclically and naturally, just as they do today. Therefore, replacing gas cars and appliances with machines powered by the highly flammable pollutant Lithium will not change temperatures.

This has never been about controlling temperatures or the climate. It has always been about a power-hungry government confiscating more political authority and money from the people and then redistributing a huge amount of money to green pushers who vote for Democrats. They show how little they care about the poor and middle classes when they destroy them with huge costs to comply. The existential threat to our survival as a great, prosperous, and free country, is not a gradual temperature rise or fall or storms, but an insatiable tyrannical government.

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