Crime and no punishment

Why do we hear about African-Americans expressing frustration with Democrats? 
Maybe it's because they live in areas run by Democrats, such as Chicago and Philadelphia.
Crime is turning into a real issue for Democrats.  Leftist thinker Ruy Texeira explained the reasons why Democrats are in trouble.   
Let's read:
Gallup has just released a tranche of data on the crime issue which highlight the potential salience of the issue in 2024. Key findings include the following:
Sixty-three percent of the public now say the crime problem in the nation is extremely or very serious. This is the highest reading on this question since Gallup starting tracking it in 2000.
Over three-quarters (77 percent) say there’s more crime in the country today than there was a year ago. Along with similar results from their 2022 and 2020 surveys, these views on rising crime are the highest since 1993 in the Gallup’s series.
In terms of crime in respondents’ local areas, 55 percent say there’s more crime today than a year ago. Along with a similar reading from last year, these are the highest levels every measured by Gallup on this question going back to the beginning of their time series in 1972.
Over a quarter (28 percent) say their household has been victimized by at least one of these crimes in the past year: having a home broken into, having property vandalized, having money or property stolen, having money or property stolen by force, having a car stolen, being physically assaulted or being sexually assaulted. Except for 2016, this is the highest level reported by the public since Gallup initiated this time series in 2000.
Forty percent now say within a mile of their home there is an area where they would be afraid to walk alone at night. This is the highest level Gallup has measured since the crime-ridden early 1990’s.
Along with levels measured last year, Americans are more worried about the crimes of having their car stolen or broken into, being attacked while driving your car, getting mugged, and getting murdered than they have been since 2000 when Gallup started measuring these fears.
As for illegal drugs, for the first time since 1972, when Gallup first asked about this question, more than half (52 percent) think the U.S. is losing ground on the illegal drug problem. Just 24 percent believe the U.S. is making progress, 28 points less than those who feel we’re losing ground—the largest gap ever measured.
In light of the trends above, it is not surprising that negative views of the criminal justice system have gone up. Views that the justice system is “not tough enough” have spiked, rising 17 points since 2020 to 58 percent of the public, the highest level since the early 2000’s.
Consistent with these pessimistic views, voters are not happy with the job the Democrats have been doing on crime. 
No kidding!  Would you be happy if the criminals were running your street because Democrats are stabbing the police in the back?
The Democrats' problem is that crime comes with no punishment.  You get arrested on Monday and you are back on the streets on Wednesday.  There is no effort to make criminals pay for their crimes and the results are predictable.
How big is African-American disillusionment with Democrats? 
Is it real or another poll?  I don't know but the chaos in our cities is real and you can start with the lawlessness in the nation's capital.
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