Dems are done singing the praises of ‘Bidenomics’

Democrats brag about the Biden economy.  Not once have I heard them say which policies they would change.  The only thing they want to do is stop using the term “Bidenomics.”

That doesn’t help the poor or the middle class or anyone.  It is just changing words, and words without deeds are worthless. 

It is like calling a policy that makes health care costs skyrocket the Affordable Care Act or a green slush fund that caused higher costs the Inflation Reduction Act.  The words and names are just to mislead the public. 

They are working as hard as they can to destroy the purchasing power of Americans with their green policies. 

And their solution is to use the term “People over Politics” instead of “Bidenomics,” as if that helps people who are having trouble paying their bills. 

House Dems Ditch ‘Bidenomics’

“The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and House Majority PAC, two key fundraising arms, are also avoiding it on social media and press releases, as polling indicates the tagline is ineffective.

“In a meeting this past summer to discuss economic messaging strategy, House Democrats decided to stick with ‘People Over Politics’ rather than ‘Bidenomics,’ one senior Democrat leadership aide told Axios.”

And the Democrat campaign staff at the WaPo are trying to convince us that the current economic disaster is normal and has created a miracle economy.  They brag that somehow an inflation rate that is still over twice the inflation rate Biden inherited is somehow a great achievement

The U.S. economy’s big problem? People forgot what ‘normal’ looks like.

It has been a miracle year for the U.S. economy. Inflation has plummeted without triggering a recession.

Here are a few tidbits about plummeting inflation: do these facts indicate a miracle?

When Biden was elected, crude oil was around $40 per barrel.  Today, after declining somewhat, it is a little over $72, or up 80%.

Unleaded gas on the NYSE was $1.12 when he was elected, and today it is $2.11, or up around 90%.

Heating oil was $1.20.  Today, it is $2.63, or up around 135%.

Crude oil is used in over 6,000 products, and energy prices affect almost everything we use.  Biden’s goal of destroying companies that use coal and oil sent the message to oil-producing countries and traders, and they knew they will have much more control if the government in the U.S. no longer desires to be a major competitor. 

Caving to the green pushers indicates that Biden and his administration put politics over people, not the other way around. 

Housing affordability has reached the lowest level in 40 years, and pending sales of existing homes has reached the lowest on record.  That is a strange definition of a miracle unless they mean that it is a miracle that things are this bad with the government increasing its spending so rapidly. 

Slowest Housing Market in Years Is Weighing on Consumer Spending

In October, mortgage rates reached their highest level since 2000, helping to make housing the least affordable since at least the 1980s.

On Thursday, the effects of low affordability became even clearer: a gauge of pending sales for existing homes reached its lowest level since the measure started in 2001. 

Trump’s policies gave us low inflation; energy independence; rapidly rising real wages, especially for those at the bottom; and the lowest poverty rate on record at the end of 2019.  The WaPo and most of the media not only didn’t brag about how great the economy was, but sought to destroy him every day. 

Summary: Facts don’t matter to the media and other Democrats.  The only thing that matters is power for Democrats, no matter how destructive the policies are, especially to the poor and the middle class whom Democrats only pretend to care about. 

It is also an attempt to mislead the public to call Democrats and their policies progressive.  Moving the country toward collapse is regressive, depressive, and oppressive, and that is what Democrats should be called. 

Biden’s age is not the problem.  Stop trying to change the subject from his disastrous policies, which will continue no matter which Democrat is on the ballot. 

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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