Female referees don’t belong in men’s soccer

In America, the DIE pendulum is starting to swing back: companies are finally pushing back against soul-destroying cancel culture by cutting DIE initiatives.  However, the home of the most popular soccer league in the world is still wallowing in contrived guilt, as evidenced by the once canonical BBC’s revisionist peddling of woke themes.

That kind of pathetic and apologetic British-based bias, and unwavering commitment to divisive DIE, is now sullying the sodden soccer pitches of the English Premier League.  First it was female “linesmen” bundling up and down the touchline — though their preferred pronoun is “referee’s assistant.”  Now, reflecting their mindlessly myopic commitment to divisive DIE, they’ve resolved to introduce female referees.

EPL referees are already mollycoddled by the British Football Association and Professional Game Match Officials Limited (the group that officiates Premier League matches).  Apparently, the poor dears get upset when players question their dubious calls, and they feel threatened should they be confronted by aghast players wondering how an incompetent imbecile with red and yellow cards can ruin the action.

The refs’ hubris is so acute that some brandish yellow cards for challenging their fragile egos.  They’re a bunch of supercilious weenies who’ve forgotten why fans attend.  Now they are going to throw female refs into the cauldron — a petite female daring to card an imposing male player, someone who has ten times her talent (give or take) and twenty times her salary, more or less.  Give me a break — it’s just not natural!

If these women must obey the DIE imperatives by imposing themselves on men’s soccer, then at least do it behind the scenes as a video assistant referee (VAR).  There, they’ll be in cozy offices, comfortably secluded from the action — and not getting their caboose in the way.  After all, men’s soccer is an entirely different proposition from the more genteel and less athletic women’s version.

One reasonably wonders: are the woke wussies at the FA and PGMOL going to introduce a ref’s timeout so she can catch her breath?  Based on what I’ve seen and heard at elite military training units, it’s likely the female ref wannabees will bring up the rear during ref training camp.  What’s with the rush to the lowest common denominator?

EPL commentary has already become feminized, with effete analysts describing the action with words more appropriate for rhythm gymnastics, such as “lovely,” “delicious,” and “sumptuous.”  Are we to surrender even more masculine dignity (to inoculate against charges of sexism) by welcoming the fairer sex into the middle?

Considering how contemptuous modern women are of toxic men, why are they always trying to infiltrate our sports sanctums as anything other than charming cheerleaders or respectful spectators?

There’s simply too much testosterone out on the field for them.  It will overwhelm them, and then their fallback refuge will be to complain about a perceived lack of DIE.  Or complain about a hostile and oppressive workplace — on a soccer field, for goodness’s sake.

What’s going to happen when a player legitimately confronts the frazzled female ref over her ill judgment?  Is she going to crumble?  Charge sexism?

What’s going to happen when the crowing crowd, having paid exorbitant ticket prices, deservedly chants, “You don’t know what you’re doing”?  Are the fake feminists going to call for an investigation that leads to banning hardworking fans?  Is the burrowed sports commissioner going to succumb to public pressure by issuing a damning report on toxic masculinity in soccer?

Are wimpy CEOs, subservient to ESG and corporate equality index scores, going to counter the feminist onslaught by promoting even more women to officiate men’s soccer matches?

There’re plenty of jobs for women in women’s soccer — and in H.R., nursing, caregiving, personal assistants, fake media, and whatnot.  They don’t have to officiate an intense match in the world’s most popular sports league.  It’s an oppressive work environment in which they will feel harassed (by players, coaches, and fans), something that heretofore they’ve always complained about.

We don’t want primed players becoming too civilized, during raucous matches, so as to make the lasses with whistles feel comfortable.  We’d tune in to ladies’ golf for that kind of mind-numbing boredom.

Image: Marco Verch via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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