Hope in a time of demoralization

The promotion and elevation of homelessness, illegal immigration, the drug culture, DEI, and identity politics combined with the deliberate destruction of our cultural values and traditions is all part of the global cabal’s goal to dishearten and discourage us.  Make no mistake, all this chaos, division, and desecration is planned, and the expectation is for us to plug our ears, shut our eyes, and give in to resignation. How can any human who has lived a life of self-sufficiency, family, faith, and happiness, consciously succumb to a life of hostile suppression, overreaching surveillance, and stolen God-given rights?  As hard as that is to ponder, the government, tech, and economic elites who are clutching the reins of power are counting on it. Patrick Henry’s desperate cry of “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” is not some old historical chestnut repeated by stodgy history buffs, but an apt phrase for this time in history.

The dismal deconstruction of our society is happening now and it is intensifying. Most of us will do our civic duty and vote, write, and maybe even peacefully protest, but even those actions have been turned on their head so that election integrity is in question and protest can likely devolve into physical abuse or incarceration.

The phrase, “We are all in this together” was co-opted and politicized during COVID, but It's time to steal it back and use it to point out that we on the side of preserving the America that we know and love are joined in our ideals, hopes and wishes.  We cannot allow the blade of division to separate and alienate us from one another. We need each other to boost morale, for support and to promote those we see being brave and speaking the truth. We need each other for camaraderie, for sharing ideas and for cheering up.  History is rife with examples of victory in the direst of situations, and just like at Valley Forge, it was with bravery, patriotism, prayer and brotherhood that victory prevailed.   

Image: Ankur Sharma

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