In Canada, government euthanasia is now derided as too elitist

Honestly, when woke-ism gets hold of things, it’s hard to stay even a step ahead of the Babylon Bee, but Canada seems to have done so. Its “Medical Assistance In Dying” program, or MAID, which is a fancy word for government-accomplished euthanasia, is now being derided for being too elitist.

Euthanasia was always going to be the endpoint for socialized medicine. In a free market, competition and innovation will make more services available for lower prices. However, in a government system, both innovation and competition stagnate. And because socialism doesn’t produce wealth, it just moves it around, with the government pocketing a percentage every time it's moved. That being the case, all socialized medical systems eventually run out of money.

When the system runs out of money, there’s only one thing for a modern, smiling socialist tyranny to do, and that’s to encourage people to kill themselves. In the West, that’s done by gently withdrawing social and medical services from the chronically ill, those with terrible pain, the depressed, and the impoverished.

Then, as they lapse into painful, degrading lives, you tell them that the earth is drowning under the weight of overpopulation. You also tell them that the way to save the insensate planet—which has no feelings, doesn’t care whether you live or die, is devoid of morals, and is brutally cruel in practice—is to kill themselves.

Image by Freepik.

But fear not! The government will step in and make that ultimate sacrifice for Gaia as painless as possible. No more having your throat slit, as the Druids and Vikings did, or your heart ripped out, as the Aztecs did. Now, it’ll be a painless process, one that surely starts with the doctor sterilizing the injection site before inserting the needle containing the poison that will kill you.

Thanks to the government’s successful marketing, having the government kill those of its citizens who volunteer to die is one of Canada’s leading causes of death. Thrilled with its success, the Canadian government is constantly expanding the categories of those who can be killed.

Just think about it! The Canadian government has successfully done what the Nazis never dreamed of doing: It’s not only convinced disfavored people (namely, expensive people) to build their own cattle cars, but it’s also got them clamoring to enter the gas chambers.

But there’s a problem. Nowhere has the existential anguish of climate change penetrated more deeply than among upper-middle-class white people. And when upper-middle-class white people decide to commit genteel suicide, they start hogging resources:

Patients seeking assisted suicide in Canada are mostly privileged white people, according to Trudeau Foundation fellow and medical ethicist Dr. Jocelyn Downie.

Downie, an advocate of expanding assisted suicide, or MAID, to those who suffer from mental illness, testified before the House of Commons medical assistance in dying committee Nov. 21 and asked the government to move forward with its legislation.

It's a little hard to wrap your mind around this, but what you’re hearing is a super woke person complaining that not enough poor and minority people in Canada are killing themselves.

I keep coming back to the same point. What we’re seeing in 2023 and will continue to see in 2024 is incredibly ugly, but it’s also useful. Finally, after decades of playing nice, the left is ripping off the mask. Leftists hate Jews, they hate women, they hate babies, they hate children, they hate poor people, they hate minorities… The list goes on and on. Every policy they have is dedicated to either eradicating these people or making their lives so miserable that they kill themselves.

Seeing this hatred out in the open is actually a good thing. You can’t fight chimeras, but you can fight—and mobilize others to fight—naked hatred and the genocide that invariably follows in its wake.

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