Making a silk purse from the crime-ridden rubble of 'anti-racism'

Much has been said by many trying to excuse bad behavior. Inner cities have crime because… racism. Blue cities are dirty and noisy because… racism. White flight happens because… racism. Black unwed motherhood is on the rise and has become epidemic because… racism. No other reasons are given by black leadership for the failures of blacks to thrive except for… racism.

But racism does not account for these failures. Failure accounts for these failures: Failure to educate. Failure to instill a work ethic. Failure to be good and to do good. Failure to teach respect and good manners to young children. Failure to revere and promote healthy two-parent families. Failure to discourage sexual profligacy. Failure to demand excellence. Failure to reject profanity and embrace decency and honor. Instead, too many in the Black community have embraced the dysfunction within the Black culture with pride, claiming a unique historical experience that they say no one understands but other Black people.

It has been long enough making excuses for Black failures and it is past time for the respectable Black people of America to rise up against the jealous race-baiters and say “No more.” There is nothing preventing Black success that a Judeo-Christian perspective cannot address successfully. Love your neighbor means don’t steal, don’t do the crime. Be nice to each other. Respect the property and lives of others. Be on time (terribly unfashionable among “anti-racists”), work hard (ditto), have a plan to succeed, and above all get educated at a school that does not indoctrinate but educates, which excludes most urban government schools. Unasked-for advice: Do not respect, honor, or adopt the malignant principles of those who teach anti-white racism in the guise of Critical Race Theory, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, or “Anti-Racism” (anti-white racism with an oxymoronic name.)

When a group blames others, they will not succeed because they are always relying on those others to change. When the blamed ones don’t change, the professional victims believe that it’s perfectly okay to steal, cheat, lie, and break other people’s stuff in the name of reparations. That is not the path to success or to a better place in life, although it is a temporary frisson of schadenfreude.

Crime in Blue cities is off the charts because Soros-appointed district attorneys have banded together to excuse crime committed by Black perpetrators. This harms Black people first, then Black neighborhoods, Black aspirations and in itself is criminal. When you teach theft, you get theft. When you get theft, good businesses leave your neighborhood. When they do leave, they take the economic base with them, and who gets hurt? Innocent, freedom-loving, decent people get hurt because they’re often stuck there with the crime they tolerated. The raped businesses will leave and set up shop where they are welcomed.

No one is helped by trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear: The sow’s ear cannot up and leave the sow. And silk is never made from putrefying pig flesh.

The time is now for decent Black people everywhere to confront those among them who are committing the crimes. Refund the police. Create deterrence to crime by actually prosecuting it, from Broken Windows to retail theft, to murder. Don’t be Chicago, LA, or NYC.

And for God’s sake, stop blaming others for the failures of your own house. Blame is not a strategy that keeps very long without starting to rot.

Image: Library of Congress

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