Replacing Claudine Gay

Harvard president Claudine Gay is giving America an education as to why she’s still on the job.

She’s proven to be a spectacular failure in her position, but that’s not enough to show her the door (more on her pathetic performance later). Her saving grace is being the perfect substandard DEI hire (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity).

If she’s dismissed, the Harvard governing board -- all 12 members -- would be forced to face the embarrassing spectacle of calling into question the dismal failure of the entire DEI enterprise.

It’s a delicate situation.

They have remained steadfastly loyal to the first Black, female president of Harvard, but the winds are shifting and nearly blowing them off their academic perches, now that prestigious alumnae are calling for their resignation.

What about a compromise?

Perhaps they could return to their next stack of underqualified, race-obsessed DEI candidates to replace the embattled Gay. There is one promising candidate who -- unlike Gay -- doesn’t come with the controversial baggage as a confirmed plagiarist in academic circles.

If the bar is going to be lowered to an all-time low for integrity and academic standards, they may wish to consider the Reverend Al Sharpton.

He cannot boast of a fancy degree from an Ivy League school, having dropped out of Brooklyn College after two years, but he’s a favorite with the White House.

He can even attach a letter of recommendation from Vice President Kamala Harris, who gives her seal of approval to the “political activist,” ignoring his reputation as a race hustler.

“The Rev. Sharpton has spent his life fighting for what’s right and working to improve our nation, even in the face of hate,” then Senator Harris wrote @Kamala Harris in 2019. 

It’s best not to scrutinize too closely what she meant about “working to improve our nation.”

Picking and choosing the reverend’s career “credits” would be essential to the interview process. Whereas the reverend has made a few missteps regarding the Jewish community, referring to Jews as “bloodsuckers” and “diamond dealers,” that’s tepid in comparison to Gay’s Senate testimony.

At least he didn’t take a laissez-faire attitude toward “calling for the genocide of Jews” like you-know-who at the most-watched Senate hearing.

The worst thing the reverend was accused of was stoking race riots in Crown Heights (nothing about genocide) and challenging Jews to possible violent encounters: He advised religious Jews to  “to pin down” their yarmulkes as a precautionary measure to avoid losing them in anticipated scuffles. He didn’t want a tragedy to go to waste and organized the protests in the wake of a Hasidic Jewish driver, in a tragic accident, striking and killing a child of Guyanese immigrants.

The media has been very forgiving of the reverend, and even offered him a job as a “political analyst” on MSNBC, until he became too much of an embarrassment. He was particularly memorable for his malapropisms, but he could take exclusive credit for mangling the English language.

There is so much forgiveness being offered in the media and the DEI world of today -- provided you check all the right boxes.

The mere fact Gay still remains in her job as an apologist for genocide (depends on the context) and a plagiarist would suggest the Harvard governing board’s openmindedness would extend to the next race-obsessed, substandard academic candidate.

Image: Chad Davis

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