The case for giving Taiwan nuclear weapons

In the face of China's threats and aggressive acts against Taiwan, there is a compelling case for the United States to consider providing Taiwan with nuclear weapons.

This proposition is grounded in the pursuit of regional stability, deterrence of potential adversaries, and the need to safeguard Taiwan's sovereignty and security.

Reasons why include:

1.    Enhanced Deterrence: By providing Taiwan with nuclear capabilities, the United States would significantly enhance the island's deterrent capabilities. A credible nuclear deterrent can dissuade potential aggressors from pursuing military actions, thereby reducing the likelihood of conflict and promoting stability in the Taiwan Strait.

2.    Balancing Regional Power: As China continues to assert itself as a major global player, a nuclear-armed Taiwan could contribute to a more balanced regional power dynamic. This balance is essential for preventing unilateral actions that could disrupt the status quo and lead to unintended consequences.

3.    Ensuring Taiwanese Autonomy: The provision of nuclear weapons to Taiwan would empower the island to assert its autonomy and resist coercion from larger neighbors. This autonomy is crucial for preserving Taiwan's unique political and social identity without succumbing to external pressures.

4.    Strategic Security Umbrella: A nuclear-armed Taiwan could serve as an additional layer of security under the U.S. strategic umbrella in the Asia-Pacific region. This not only reinforces the U.S. commitment to its allies but also underscores the importance of maintaining a stable balance of power.

5.    Peaceful Resolution of Disputes: Paradoxically, providing Taiwan with nuclear weapons could contribute to regional peace by discouraging potential adversaries from resorting to military force. The increased stakes associated with nuclear capabilities may encourage diplomatic solutions and dialogue as preferable alternatives.

While the idea of providing Taiwan with nuclear weapons is contentious, it is essential to consider the potential benefits in terms of deterrence, regional stability, and the preservation of Taiwanese autonomy.

Richard Lawless is an investigative journalist who has written articles for the Chicago Tribune, The Hill, The Daily Caller, the New York Observer, and dozens of other major publications. Mr. Lawless is also the author of "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground: The Most Thorough Exploration of Government Corruption Ever Put in Writing."

Image: Pexels / Pexels License

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