The human won the DeSantis-Newsom debate

Some political observers have said that Republicans are from Mars and Democrats are from Venus.  As evidenced by last night’s debate, it’s clear that while Governor Ron DeSantis is from outperforming Florida, Governor Gavin Newsom is indeed from outer space.

Some debate observers have compared Gavin Newsom to a “handsome” actor.  Actually, he’s a slick space cadet imprisoned in his alternative dimension.  He may even be an alien-human hybrid, with an alien mindset lurking behind a human exterior.  How else to explain his confounding denial of the facts that Hannity and DeSantis kept confronting him with?

How can any normal human, even a lowlife Democrat bent on dividing us, repeatedly deny the bleedin’ obvious, while incongruously smirking, unless they are from Venus… or beyond?

Okay, Newsom’s genealogy can be traced, but that doesn’t rule out the possibility that aliens abducted him, then removed his conscience for experiments about how human sentience works in a morally-neutral universe. 

The space aliens must have been very thorough in dissecting Newsom’s brain as solipsism now riddles him -- his is the only mind which exists.  It is this alien-crafted mindset that enables the suspension of disbelief over corroborated facts regarding crime, inflation, homelessness, migration, immigration, education, and the economy.

Time after time, Newsom ignored the reputable statistics that debate moderator Sean Hannity presented because only his “superior” alien mind matters.  That must be what the aliens programmed into him; after all, they could well be from a universe that is like a giant human brain.

No, Newsom didn’t come across as a handsome actor, but as an otherworldly being devoid of human consciousness.  A dehumanizing, ravaged soul whose quantum brain processes are entangled with interfering aliens who are giggling, as their physiology allows, at our political plight.  They are even more mischievous than TikTok algorithms.

Who won the Hannity-hosted debate on Fox News?  The worldly, corporeal, facts, presented by the human from Florida. 

Image: Gage Skidmore

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