The Republican Party is saturated with abject cowards

Could the Republican Party as currently constituted be any more ineffective?

Any more cowardly?  Any more easily and willingly steamrolled?  

Not likely.  

There are a few good men and women, to be sure, but they are too few to fight the limp-wristed, irresolute majority of their colleagues.  

Most of them work for the opposition, Kevin McCarthy being the recent prime example.  He made promises to become Speaker, did not keep any of them, and was justifiably dethroned.  

Now he wants to submarine the new speaker, Mike Johnson, who may be entangled beyond his ken.  Johnson may just be a good man who has been thrown to the wolves of Congress. Will he survive?  

Will he have the courage to do what McCarthy would not?  Hold the corruptocrats accountable?  That would be the Biden family of grifters; Christopher Wray, the despicable, lying head of the FBI; Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas, the chief saboteur of the nation with his calculated importation of ten million illegal aliens from all over the world; and Merrick Garland, the thoroughly venal Attorney General who has persecuted any and all persons who were in D.C. on January 6, 2021.  Garland is singularly the face of the police state America has become with the acquiescence of the Republican Party. 

What have our elected Republicans in Congress done to fight back against the treachery of the left since the Obama administration?  

They made a few noises, held a few hearings, but beyond that?  


They caved on Obamacare, a disaster by every account.  Along with their partners in crime, the media, some of them perpetrated the Russia collusion hoax for years, a colossal lie from the outset. They allowed the impeachment of President Trump twice on wholly fabricated and insignificant charges.  

So malleable is this Republican Party, the Democrats stole the 2020 election with impunity.   

And they’ve done nothing to bring those guilty to light. Why? Because they fear Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” every bit as much as the Democrats do.  

They are all, with the exception of a treasured few, committed members of that swamp.  They refuse to stop the extravagant spending that has put us $34 trillion in debt.  

They will vote to expel one of their own but do nothing about the long list of criminals that currently sit in Congress:  James Bowman, Rashida Tlaib, Robert Menendez, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, etc.  Each of them has committed numerous crimes that should get them expelled from office.  Will the Republicans fight back? Not a chance. The few who do speak out are shouted down, silenced. Consider how Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene are treated by their fellow Republicans.  

The Biden family malfeasance is not only grotesque, it has been proven over and over and over, from Hunter’s laptop to the testimony of witnesses, to the massive numbers of suspicious bank transactions.  If all that corruption had been leveled on a Republican, what would the Democrats do?  We know exactly what they would do because they are doing it to Donald Trump. They make up crimes he is not remotely guilty of and drag him through courts throughout the land to hamper his re-election campaign.  They get their unscrupulous, far left judges to shred the Constitution in order to thwart his candidacy.  

Do the Republicans stand up as a party to object? No, they do not. They are either lily-livered cowards or else never-Trumpers pretending to be conservatives. 

Given the obvious breaches of the Constitution that has characterized our federal government for decades, but certainly since the Obama administration, it is safe to say that the United States is no longer a representative republic but an oligarchy, run by malignant organizations like the WEF, the WHO as well as our own CDC, FDA, FBI, DOJ, DHS and CIA, all propaganda arms of the Marxist, globalist left.  

Oh, and then there is big pharma and big tech, and the media, the elephants in the room. They do the bidding of all those alphabet agencies and get paid big bucks to further their big profits agenda. The wholly illegitimate tyranny that was imposed on us all for the probably phony COVID pandemic, mask mandates, and lockdowns were dictatorial.  The vaccine mandate was genocidal; those jabs have killed thousands of Americans, and millions worldwide.  Have the Republicans in Congress done anything to address this crime against humanity?  Sure, they’ve held a few hearings, grilled the criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci a few times, but countless articles/studies have been published that prove the vaccines were lethal.

Nevertheless, no one has really been held accountable, least of all China, the FDA, the CDC or the WHO, criminal institutions all.  The Republicans in congress are useless.

Any conservative paying attention surely knows by now that the RNC is working for the opposition.  

Ronna McDaniel is an agent of the left, as is her uncle, Mitt Romney, which surely explains why no one paying attention is donating to the RNC.  

Have the Republicans in Congress called for her resignation?  Nope. And eight Republicans voted against impeaching Mayorkas!  What does that tell us?  They are traitors to America, supporters of Biden’s open borders to all comers.  Bottom line?  The left has succeeded in rendering the Republican Party inoperative, non-functional.  They are mere tools of the left.  They cower in the face of potential social media “cancellation,” or disses from the New York Times or the Washington Post, both known propagandists for the Marxist left.  

They live in fear of being called out by morons like Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid or the cretins on the View. Cowards all. 

What is to be done?  We need to vigorously support the actual conservatives the left seeks to destroy, those who dare to speak up against the radical left – the Democrat party.  Certainly not Nikki Haley who is a confirmed globalist, a neo-conservative who supports war anywhere and everywhere.  Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis might be viable in 2028 but is not now.  Republican voters need to decide which candidate is going to actually stand up for America, for the middle class, for working people.  Who will defeat the bogus cult of climate change as a tool of the globalist left that means to control how we live, what we drive, how we cook, what we eat, what we own, how our kids are indoctrinated?  

Think hard and consider your vote carefully.  This country is on the edge of an abyss and the Republican Party is nowhere to be found. 

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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