The ‘two-state solution’ denies the reality of Muslim culture

“From the River to The Sea…” Hamas promises the land will be free of Jews. Of course, that is not really what Hamas means. Their publicly stated goal is to rid the world of all the Jews except the doctors and scientists who will be forced to remain in any future ‘Palestinian’ entity.

Frankly, in my humble opinion, the Muslims are severely underestimating their need for the Jews if they limit their demands to only doctors and scientists. Countries that decide to live without Jews usually fail miserably, not necessarily because the Jews left or would not come back, but because a country that rids itself of its Jews has a defective soul and was doomed to fail anyway. Let me explain.

If the Muslims wanted to succeed, they would be better off if they preserved all of the following subgroups: Yeshiva (academy) students and their teachers, experts in agriculture, members of Kibbutzim (collective farms), employees of the (electronic) chip forges, research institute members, entrepreneurs and their families, musical institutes, theater companies, engineering and architectural firms, hydrologists and water experts, university professors, etc. While bright enough individually, traditional Muslim societies have failed to produce accomplishments that required cooperation among large groups. Every joint venture of theirs seems to have been founded upon forms of coercion based upon fear.

Image: ‘Palestinians’ protest. YouTube screen grab.

Even today, the best Arab Muslims in and around Israel can do is make money, sometimes from illicit activities, threaten the Jews, and oppress each other. In the Israeli dramatic series, Fauda (which I highly recommend), accuracy in depicting both Israeli and Muslim lifestyles was a prized goal for the producers. It struck me that the well-off Arabs had beautiful homes on the inside but lived in dusty, broken-down, slum-like neighborhoods. Private gardens were lush, but public streets were bare. From Fauda, I deduced the nature of Arab society to be that loyalty was to the family and not at all to corporate bodies such as neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities, or states.

What has brought disparate elements of Arab society together has been hatred for the Jews. But aside from the single bond of Jew-hatred, their perception tied to the risk of trusting others is so high that they’ve willingly accepted the loss of beauty in their lives, the lack of peace, and the inability to think outside the box.

To these followers of Islam, life has been chronically edgy and constantly fraught with suspicions. Anger and irritability are the dominant moods when events are not perfectly modulated. Safety in Arab society is still secured by shrinking the trust circle to close family members. Cousin marriages are normative because, among other reasons, they keep money within the extended family.

Coupling Islam’s perennial push for geographical expansion with the average Muslim’s inability to work and play well with others, makes it unlikely that the ‘Palestinians’ will ever agree to live in peace with Israel. A two-state solution, therefore, is one step below delusional.

Moreover, Israel will not or should not agree to shrink its border, as that would make it impossible to defend the state. Shrinking Israel is justified by Leftist dogma that any ‘ethnonational’ state is ‘racist’ and needs to be eliminated, most particularly Israel. This Marxist rhetoric justifies forcing Muslims and Jews to forever vie for political power within Israel’s current boundaries. Forcing Jews to live with angry Arabs is analogous to outlawing divorce. If the goal of the Left is to make Jews stateless, to reinstitute the old ‘wandering Jew’ paradigm, then I suppose supporting a two-state solution is the way to go.

Meanwhile, Muslims themselves don’t want to share their states with ‘Palestinians.’ Egypt threatened to go to war with Israel if Gazans moved into Sinai, even temporarily. Jordan brought tanks to the Israeli border to prevent brother Muslims from moving to Jordan, which is already 70 percent ‘Palestinian.’

Presumably, Jordanians learned their lesson in the 1970s, when they exiled ‘Palestinians’ to Syria in the 1970s, after ‘Palestinians’ organized internal opposition to their Jordanian hosts, whom they hoped to overthrow. Syria, in turn, shipped most of these newly acquired ‘Palestinian’ refugees into Lebanon, while Lebanon would not allow them to attend university, work in government or the professions, or own land. They remain in run-down camps to this very day—with no objections from the “Free Palestine” crowd.

The bottom line is that Israel has been a wildly successful and happy country, even when its people were poorer than today. That is intolerable to globalists, Marxists, and triumphalist Muslims. The state of Israel is an example of a successful independent entity for which they have no retort in their repertoire of pat responses. They fume with jealousy and anger at Israel’s joyfulness.

As one example of the joy their enemies resent, you can see, in this five-year-old video, here the 71st-anniversary celebrations for Kibbutz Sa’ad near the Gaza border:

Though the residents aren’t blood relations, they’ve chosen to live, work, raise their families, and grow old together. This kibbutz lost many members October 7. The title of the song is “There Will Yet Be Better Days Than These.” In those who are prone to it, the chorus easily elicits Jew-hatred because it is ‘ethnonational’.

Together – all the way

Together – there is no other choice

Hand in hand we will reach out for the good

That will still come; come certainly

Together – all the way

Together – there is no other choice

Together – one person to another

Will open his heart

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