Then Vietnam, now migrants?

It’s still eight or nine months away, but the Democrats have reasons to worry about that summer convention in the Windy City.  Let’s hear what’s happening in Chicago, via Fox News:

Residents’ animosity toward the Democratic Party runs deep, according to Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez, who said the anger has only been getting worse due to the growing migrant crisis.

The local Democratic official joined ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ Monday to discuss how his residents feel about local leaders in the city after activists vowed to make their voices heard during next summers Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Lopez said the Black community feels abandoned and is ‘no longer feeling the love from Uncle Joe,’ as the city continues to try to make room and special accommodations for migrants.

Voters expressed their anger this week at a rally near city hall, with one activist saying Democrats should not expect the 2024 political convention to be ‘peaceful.’

‘When you take a group of people that have paid no taxes, can’t vote and you put them in front of the voters? We're gonna show you how we feel about the Democratic National Convention. If you think you’re gonna have a peaceful Democratic National Convention while our people are starving, stay tuned!’ he said.

In your face Joe!  Who knew that all of this Democrat demagoguery about sanctuary cities would turn into this nightmare?  It has, and the mayor of Chicago doesn’t have a clue.

There is another problem.  None of this came up during the Biden presidential campaign.  In other words, Mr. Biden the Candidate never said to these black American voters that his “humanitarian” approach would produce this mess in Chicago and New York.  To be fair, the news media did not force Mr. Biden to explain his position beyond promising a “humanitarian” policy, which is nothing more than chaos.

Will the ghost of ‘68 show up in ‘24?  I don’t know, but the voters are angry and showing up at conventions is what they do.

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Image from X.

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